MARKETS: This is a site with great links to different Writer's Markets
More on Rights and Copyright: Article on Rights and Copyright: What you need to know to Protect your Writing
Contract? What Contract?: Provides an excellent overview of the types of contracts, including models of contracts, one might encounter in the world of writing
Helpful Articles for Writers and Publishers: Attorney and Writer Ivan Hoffman gives us the scoop.
Magazine Writing that Sells: Great article - not only for magazine writing, but common sense in trying to sell any article to any publication. - The Online Mystery Network: Interesting Site for the Mystery Writer and/or reader.
OneLook Dictionaries: Excellent resource for multiple dictionaries.
Population Reference Bureau: Good resource for population trends, stats, and other demographic comparison data.
Research-It! Your one-stop reference desk: GREAT resource. You've got to see it and try it - a must-have for writers.
The Elements of Style: This classic guide for writers by Strunk and White is now available, in its entirety, online and free of charge, thanks to Project Bartleby!
Last Week's Wacky Writer's Links: Click here to take a look at last week's Links.
The ORIGINAL web page for WACKY WRITER'S WORLD: Click here to take a look at the original Wacky Writer's Page - there are interesting links you might want to see.