The Loma Linda/La Sierra Ultimate Frisbee Club
Create a Link to our Website!

Please feel free to copy the following Loma Linda Ultimate Frisbee Club icon and create a link to our website!

Or, copy the following HTML tag into your website source:

<a href=""> <img src="" border="0"></a>
You may find the above link slow: in order to bring up the graphic on your page, you have to download it from the Tripod server. The top method is a quicker way to link, as the files are stored locally. After you save the icon, place it in the same directory as the web page you are linking to, and insert the following code in your document:
        <a href=""> <img src="ultimat.jpg" border="0"></a>

If you prefer a text link, then copy this HTML tag:

        <a href="">Loma Linda Ultimate Frisbee Club Website</a>

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WebMaster: John Fleming

This page has been visited  times since November, 1997.