Welcome to the Fourth Version of my Web Site! It's been about six months since the release of my third site, and I'm tired of it already. Don't get me wrong; there were a lot of great things about it. But I think my web design skills (and design skills in general) have improved since then, and I wanted to exercise them a bit more. You see, I designed Version 3 specifically to be friendly to older browsers and little 216-color monitors. This was a worthwhile exercise, since professional web design involves a lot of catering to the lowest common denominator. But since I design my own site mainly as a hobby, I think I can allow myself a little more flexibility than I did on version three. I enjoy making fancy little graphics and such; and while I've tried to keep the file sizes small on this version as well, they won't all fit into a 216 spectrum. If you're missing out on some of the subtleties because of your monitor, then there's little that either of us can do about it, unless I decide to keep V.3 as an alternate low-end site. If, however, you're missing out because of an old browser, that's easily solved. Netscape is free, as is Internet Explorer. So if you're running a 2.0 or even 3.0 browser, take five minutes and get up to date. There's a lot to see on the web, but obsolescence keeps you from seeing it at its best.
Bio Resumé |
Spaulding http://pages.nyu.edu/~jps7278 josh_spaulding@hotmail.com |