Where shall I start? Well I was born in Durham, in England, on Monday the 3rd of March in 1980. In about June of 1981 my family: Mum, Dad and my two brothers Matthew and Ben and me all moved to New Zealand. (I dont know why, possibly something to do with a job there).
It was pretty neat there, lots of fun, lots of sun, a treehouse in the garden, a plum tree, a lemon tree, a kiwi tree/vine and some other fruit like plants at the most recent house there. You can imagine I was a 'little' upset when I was told we were leaving, to go back to England when I was 10. But I had no choice and we went back to England, Ben stayed as he had already moved away from home.
In England, erm... hmmm... I went to primary school for a while, I think I only had my last year to do, and then on to high school, where I got five 'A's, four 'B's and a 'C' in Spanish - although I'm not very good anymore!! Then onto college to do some 'A' levels, where I wanted to do English Language, Theatre Studies and Photography and by the end of the first day I was doing Computing, English Lang/Lit and Photography! Then when I finally finished, at the end of the Second year I was doing Computing and General Studies! I can't say that I enjoyed Burnley College much, but at the end the friends I made were really cool.
And now, here I am studying HND Computing at Huddersfield after flunking my 'A' levels. And what am I like now? I like spending time with friends, if there are any nearby! I like Crowded House, (I'm listening to them now) the mutton birds, (remind me to make that into a link) clannad, fleetwood mac, and many other bands and music styles! I like the colour Green (nah, ya' don't say!) and have interests in lots of groovey (and pioneering?) computers like the Atari ST, and err... well only one then. PCs are okay coz' they're colourful and let me do things like this is glorious techni-colour for a low low price.
I've spent a while selling PCs under the title of 'Josh's PCs Sole Trader' and that's been moderately successful considering that I don't advertise!! It's quite good fun coz' when it's done, you can be proud of it coz' the machines are always of high quality and are really good value too! (prices start at around £525 for a full multimedia machine.) I also like to play the guitar a bit, but I'm not that good, I just know the chords.
And that's it really, I hope that there's enough there to give you a better picture of who I am and if there's anything you think should be included then email me and tell me. If you are having difficulties seeing this clearly then please click text on the navigator and there will be a text only version of this available, or just turn the images off.