
6/7/98- added a picture section, he's sooooo cute!!! I also fixed th qwote section so that you can see them now and finally figured out how to put up my guestbook.

6/8/98- Today I made a news section, added some more qwotes, added a petition to get Jesse in Teen People (please sin it!!) and I added a question of the week.

6/9/98- Today I updated my qwotes, the Jesse bio, and the news.

6/10/98- Today I updated the news, put up some responses to the question of the week, and started typing Jesse's mtv chat...it will be here soon...I promise. Oh yeah and today you actually get news not my Jesse or Pete debate.

6/11/98- Today I updated the news, added another Jesse qwote and added a new section called songs.

6/16/98- Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Today I made a new section called linx and updated the news. I promise there will be more linx as soon as I can remember what they are.

6/17/98- I added some news and a important message for everyone...so check it out...I added some qwotes and I think thats it. I added a new linx and a qwote from Carson.

6/18/98- News, and lyrics to Ava Adore and thanx to some of my friends.

6/19/98- Today I finally added Jesse's AOL chat, another song, and some more news.

6/21/98- I added a poem section

6/22/98- I added a poem I wrote today called Jaded, and did the news.

6/23/98-Today I updated the news.

6/25/98- I added an article today, but sorry I missed Jess so theres no news.

6/26/98- I added a new section called about me. And I updated the news.

6/27/98- I updated the news

6/28/98- Today I added a new section called thoughts, where you can read about things that piss me off.

6/29/98- I added a response to qotw and updated the news...btw I'm gonna be gone on vacation for a whole week starting tommorro.

7/7/98- I added a reponse to qotw and the news.

7/9/98- I updated the news

7/12/98- I added a poem

7/14/98- news...and I forgot to say Jesse was in the magazine Twist" or something like that...just look for a blue thing with a pix of carson and some girl on the cover.

8/13/98- Updated the news, fixed the link to one of my poems and added some more to the about me page.

8/18/98-added a special message.

8/19/98- Added some stuff I forgot to put on the about me page, did four days of news. Oh yeah, and I'm going on vacation until next Thursday. Almost forgot I added a qwote from Jess.

8/31/98- I'm back from vacation...I updated the news and added a petition to help save jess's job (you can see it if you look it the main parts of my sight)...please sign it.

12/16/98- Wow, I finally updated can you believe it??? I know its really short but I promise I will try to do more over the next few days. The thing about me, and Jesse bio or whatever it is. Anywayz if anyone knows when Jesse is on MTV please tell me and the rest of us.