Okay, if you really want to know...

I earned my bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from the University of South Florida. In 1997, I earned a Master's degree in Computer Science from Virginia Tech. Not tired of school yet, I've since moved to Redondo Beach, in the Los Angeles area, and I am now attending the Anderson School of Management at UCLA, and plan to graduate in June of 2000. My focus is on internet-related startup companies, particular international ones. My eventual goal is to start my own company or consult in Asia.

I currently work in Los Angeles, California as a Database Administrator and e-commerce applications programmer for E! Entertainment Television's online website. I support the data for the e-commerce site at shop.eonline.com and for their movie database. I am quite happy there since I work with some great people.

You can check out my resume if you have the proper login and password.

Photo of me  
A photo of me at Venice Beach, California
As a cub scout On a camel
Here I am at 7 years old in Spain, where I lived at the time. I was a cub scout, and was into doing all sorts of "outdoors" activities. Hmmm... I could have used a better haircut, though... Here I am at 8 years old in Morocco, riding a camel with my father. I remember that my father had to bargain hard for this camel ride, and after the ride was over, the camel owner changed his price. Later I would learn that such events are typical when you travel to developing countries.

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This page was last modified on February 18, 1999