Yea! My site has been visited by spiffy people!!!

Julie Graf
4517 N. 28th St.
MY email:
Tacoma, Washington 98***
United States

Some    Spick    Info!

Here's some info about Julie!  Read if you're really Interested!

Name:                Julie Cassandra Graf
Age:                 15
Sex:                 Female Obviously
Birthday:            April 14, 1983
Location:            Tacoma, Washington
Siblings, Ages:      Jessica-21; Jackson-14; Michael Andrew-12; 
                     Allison-12; Michael James-8; Kevin-6
Status:              At the Moment, I'm totally taken by my sweet                          boyfriend, Mike ;)
Favourite Color:     Blue
Favourite Movie:     "The Empire Strikes Back" (Also "Ransom")
Favourite Actress:   Meg Ryan
Favourite Actor:     Either Leonardo DiCaprio or Nicholas Cage
Favourite Food:      Vanilla Frappuccino (Also Strawberry Kiwi                             Snapple)
Least Fave Food:     Caviar (Yuck!)
Bestest Friend:      Devon McMullen
Other Close Friends: Emily Landberg, Emily White, Charles Loosen, 
                     Amanda Groshens, Hillary Madsen, Kristen Gupta,                       Eryn Degenstein, Alaina Hicks, Ashley Sommer,                         Elizabeth Mack, Jeremy Hansen, Dylan McGowen
Best Online Friends: Mike, Phill, Steve, Bryan, Jared, Wendy
Hobbies:             Guitar, Violin, Artwork (Drawing, Painting,                           etc.), Music, Reading, Talking
Fave Bands:          Nirvana, Sublime, 311, Incubus, Hanson, KoRn, 
                     Prodigy, Stabbing Westward, Green Day, Smashing                       Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, Savage Garden, Foo                            Fighters, Everclear, RATM
All-Time Fave Song:  "With You In Your Dreams" --Hanson 
Future Plans:        After High School, I'm planning to move to New                        York City and go to N.Y.U., majoring in either                        Architecture or Animation, depending on which I                       decide to do.  
BTW:                 Many of you knew me from when I lived in                              Bellevue, Nebraska with my father.  I moved July                      4th back to my mother's in Tacoma, Washington.  I                      will be attending Wilson H.S. and despite what                        happened before, all is well between my mother                        and I. We are moving to a new house on August                         15th (Only two blocks from our current                                residence).


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