- Tori & Alanis toured together! The 5 ½ weeks tour!
- win Tori stuff from Ink Blot Magazine
- A book is being written by and for Tori Amos fans! If you are interested
in sharing your Tori Story for the book or website this is the place!
Anything goes... Tori dreams, thoughts, real experiences, fantasies or
Tori inspired creativity. (no ending date is given,
but since it's a book, i'm guessing it does have a deadline.)
- buy Tori's albums, singles, and
more on-line from CDNow!
Here is a good place to find Tori Amos stuff. It isn't a store, exactly. It's just this guy Kyle who tries to help fellow Tori collectors. If you see something on his site for sale, just e-mail him to make sure he has it and to reserve it. It's that easy. Prices I've seen are pretty fair. Also, he hosts regular Tori Auctions for which much good stuff is up for bid. High bids are posted so you can get an idea of the competition.
Poster Planet - This is a good place to find posters. Specifically, concert posters of various musicians, including Tori, by Bob Masse and Gary Grimshaw.
showers - Tori items for sale
to benefit RAINN
The Reading Room - This site is a place where you can find a list of all, or most, of the books available that are about Tori, music books and others.
Rock Star Headquarters - This store has a small ammount of Tori stuff. Some import CDs and some other items, as well as stuff from various other bands.
Stargate - This is a site that you can buy Tori (and many others) 8" x 10" pictures, some autographed. The prices are decent for the non-autographed pictures if you buy a bunch at once to make the postage cost worthwhile.
Amos [theweathermen.com] - buy
tori stuff: videos, t-shirts, cds, collectibles
Web Page (IRCNet) - Tori
has an IRC channel on IRCNet called #tori and this is a web site put together
by that IRC channel.
Web Page (Undernet) - Tori
has an IRC channel on Undernet called #Tori and this is a web site tells
you more about this very friendly channel on the net.
Web Page (Undernet) - Tori has
another IRC channel on Undernet called #toriamos and this nice web site
tells you more about the channel.
Amos - The Tori Grave, lyrics,
VERY COMPLETE links, nice pix
Web Site - Steve Gordon represents
an organization called allexperts.com. He says that they have a new and
unique Tori Amos resource that lets people send detailed e-mailed Tori
questions to experts and get answers for free. Go there and check it out.
The White Horses - some news,
links, articles, pix, discography, tori stories, quotes
- original tori art, short stories, lyrics, art gallery, webring, poetry,
quotes, chatroom, pix, bio, links, midis, ears with feet
tori page - "THE WORLDS
LARGEST TORI AMOS MEDIA ARCHIVE!" (midi, .wav, .avi, .mp3/.mp2, .mov, realaudio,
realvideo, .mpg, .jpg, .gif), lyrics to like everything, awards, poems,
join the ChoirGirl Hotel Tori fan club, part of the Letter From The Choirgirl
Hotel Mailing List, links
on the Streets - tori stories,
bootlegs, pix, midis, poll, parodies to tori songs, a play based on "Marianne,"
chords, videos, links, stuff, song of the day
My Eyes - pix, sounds, e-cards,
FAQ, tori story, links, shows
Case Of Tori - free tori
gif animation for your site, personal tori story, story of the week, 11
page term paper about "boys for pele," scanned autographs & ticket
stubs, dreams about tori, pix, links
Dent In The Tori Amos Net Universe
- the BEST source for tori news. plus pix, tv/radio info/archive,
tour info, online forum, toriphile registry, multimedia, thoughts &
creativity, articles archive, ewf photo album, RAINN info, links, tori
calendar, 'i heard tori's music or saw tori..." sightings
page; you want it? mikewhy's got it!
WebPage - information on
the EWF who are frequent chatters at the tori.com chat room
of Ivory - "to venus and back"
info, tori bio, neil gaiman info, lyrics & interpretations, random
midis, past tour experiences, links
The Word - story about talking
personally with tori's dad, benefits to help rainn, tori quotes, links,
some pix; This site has a lot of Tori quotes, ways to help the Rape, Abuse,
and Incest National Network, pictures, links, stories, information, and
all kinds of great stuff.
It Out- The Tori Amos Puzzle
page features truly unique and creative Tori Amos themed visual puzzles.
Atlantic Records calls this site "Cool and Creative". Puzzles include:
The Tori Puzzle Box, Tori By The Numbers, Dinner With Tori. Other features
of this site: The Tori Conspiracy Page, Toriphile Registry, original artwork
including many Tori & Sandman related pieces
Icicles - some Toriphiles celebrated
Tori's birthday (August 22) by contributing to this surprise gift! (deadline
was Aug. 20, 1999) - this project has ended, but you can still read about
Tori Amos [http://get.to/starlets] - statistics on tori, extensive list of fan links
Amos [cwrl.utexas.edu] - some
pictures, reviewed links
Amos [public.iastate.edu] -
a page loaded with tori images
Amos [1440 Media/Radio Free Entertainment] - info. on singles and tour dates
Amos Discography - a chronological record of Tori Amos U.S. albums, singles and compact discs. Each album and singles page provides a complete track listing with full composer credits, detail song instrumentation, accurate track times, liner notes and album covers / picture sleeves; album pages also indicate the mint collector value and highest Billboard chart position.
Amos: A Fire in the Sky! - tori
info, images, lyrics, concerts, tori connections, discography, info. on
tori collectibles (item descriptions, where to get them, etc.)
Tori Amos Homepage - FAQ, pix,
quicktime movies, discography, "Really Deep Thoughts" gateway, articles,
Neil info, lyrics, links
Amos Lyric Database - collection
of all the lyrics to any song Tori has sung (includes covers, B-Sides,
and album songs), random Tori quotes, Tori quotes about each song
Tori Amos Page - cool graphic
design, links, dew drop inn tour '96 info, "Boys For Pele" info, tori bio,
early (1984) review of tori, breakfast with tori at the house of blues,
"Boys For Pele" atlantic records promo info