"Purple Moon" by Faye Manning (c) 1997

the purple moon is weeping
the wounded heart is bleeding

can't explain
it's falling down on me
like rain

the yellow sun is glowing
eternal river flowing

can't explain
it's falling down on me
like rain

the cosmic light is fleeting
the sorry soul is seeking

yes I'm sorry ..... and I'm weary
and I'm heavy ..... and I'm lowly
and I'm solemn ..... and I'm open

**laid bare
**no defenses

**without pretenses

**into the hole

**to the last straw

**out to sea

**into bed

**'cause there's a million ways to die
**and there's a million ways to fly

the purple moon is weeping
the wounded heart is bleeding

the yellow sun is glowing
eternal river flowing

the cosmic light is fleeting
the sorry soul is seeking

can't explain
it's falling down on me
like rain

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