My name isn't Leo and I'm not a lion, but since my birthday's in August and I have some unusual habits, my wife claims that I am a "typical" Leo. If such is the case, then Leo's Lions Den must be an ok title for my web page.Now, I've noted some characteristics that the male of the lion species and I seem to share. The male will sleep for twenty hours at a stretch, eat for two or three hours then do his bathroom duty and return to sleep. During mating season, he will couple endlessly with females around the clock for two to three days straight. I guess three out of four things in common ain't too bad, I just wish the fourth happened to be one of them.
As a neophyte on the Internet, I find myself constantly browsing, bookmarking and requesting that my friends send me interesting topics that they encounter. Now, these bookmarks seem to fill up relatively quickly if you want to save EVERYTHING, so my friends Rob McCartney and Michael Cohen suggested a web site for storage. A fair suggestion, I'd say.
I hope these links I'm providing prove to be as interesting and informative to you as they are to me. Some are silly, many are sobering and more than a few are out and out fun. Enjoy!
Lion painting by Rick Parks
Background photo by Windy's Fashionable Page Designs
Lion Links and Other Favorites of Mine
Leo as an Astrological Sign
The Kingdom of Lions
Lions in the Wild
Michael's House of Links
Your Personal Link to Michael D. Cohen
Rob's Station
Rob McCartney's Entrance to the Universe
Enter Leo's Den Here