Day 11
We thank Thee, the Giver of all good things,
for the blessings of this day,
Help us to remember that whether we eat
or drink, or whatsoever we do,
to do it all to Thy glory

Day 12
May we express our gratitude, O God
for the beauty of this day,
the love in our home,
the providing of our needs
and for other countless blessings
which come from Thy loving hand.

Day 13
O God, we thank Thee for the joy
that makes our day bright,
for our table spread with good things to eat
and most of all for
Thy great love which we enjoy.

Day 14
Thank You, Father
For Your great love
And for mealtime blessings
Sent from above.

Day 15
Accept our thanks, O God,
for the beauty of this day.
and use this food
to strengthen us for thy service