Welcome to my Homepage! Please make sure you check the news page for info on JVT007(Seqret007) and my homepage and WebTV! Also be sure to look for my upcomming Links and Award page!
WebTV Logo - Oh My God! You are lost! Quick
back the the index! No problem just click the WebTV logo at
the top of your screen. You will be back here in a
WebTV Guides - If you are that someone who is
intrested in WebTV and the WNI service then this is the
place for you. It contains file addresses, Demo's and
more! Best Yet! You can print out every single one!
Signature - Hey ever wonder how we get those
cool emails over in alt.discuss.html? Well now
you can learn how to get them to all in one step!
Real Audio - Tired of those worn out midis in
your email? Feal like some real music for a change?
Well Click here for some audio requested by you - The WebTV
TVML Demo - WoW! I didn't know that
you knew TVML JVT! Well you do now! And I am custom
building my own interactive broadcasts so stay
mIRC Chat - Enter my newest and maybe my
last mIRC! It has TipTup's
latest room changer and various scripts from myself and the
WebTV IRC Script Company. Check it out. It has lot's of
pop-ups and even has a prototype surf and watch!
New News - News on me, my homepage and my service with WebTV Networks. It will include where to contact me, how to suggest a page, and what info will be making a return to this site!
Pageloader - Want to add an image you found on the internet to your Pagebuilder scrapbook? No problem. I have everything you need and more right here!
The page content is © 007 Networks. Abuse of any
material found here is liable to the stupid ass that does it.
Design © WebTV 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999.
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