
"You never told me your name." -Killer
"Why do you want to know my name?" -Casey
"Because I want to know who I am looking at." -Killer

"What do you want?" -Casey
"To see what your insides look like." -Killer

"Hey Billy...would you settle for a PG13 relationship?" -Sidney
"Whats that?" -Billy
*She flashes him*
"My god...you are just a tease..." -Billy

"How do you gut someone?" -Sidney
"Well, you take the knife-and you slit them from groin to the sternum." -Stu
"It's called tact you fuck-rag." -Billy

"Better liver alone...get it?...LIVER ALONE...liver, liver..it was a joke." -Stu

"What's the point they're all the same. Some stupid killer stalking some big-breasted girl who can't act, who's always running up the stairs, when she should be going out the front door. It's insulting!"- Sidney

"So, who are you?"-Sidney
"The question isn't 'Who am I?' The question is 'Where am I?'"- The killer
"What did mom tell you? When I wear this badge, you treat me like a man of the law." - Dewey
"Well, I am sorry Deputy Dewey boy, but we are ready to go now, ok?" -Tatum
"I'll send you a copy, BAM!Bitch went down!I'll send you a copy, BAM! Sid, super bitch!You are so cool."-Tatum

"Are you kidding me? Look at this place, it's like Christmas!" -Stu
"Stupidity leak..." -Tatum

"Police are always off track with this shit.. If they watch Prom Night they'd save time. There's a formula, a very simple formula! EVERYONE'S A SUSPECT!"- Randy

"How many guys would put up with a girlfriend that is sexually anorexic?" -Sidney
"Billy and his penis don't deserve you." -Tatum

"Oh, you wanna play psycho killer?" -Tatum
"Can I play the helpless victim?"
*NODS* "Ok, lets see...No, please don't kill me Mr. Ghostface, I want to be in the sequel!" -Tatum

"We all go a little mad sometimes...."-Billy(actually this is from "Psycho") "Fun game Sidney, see, we ask you a question...you get it wrong- booga! You die!" -Stu
"You get it right-you die." -Billy

"Fuck you!" -Sidney
"Oh no, we already played that game remember-you lost." -Billy

"It's a scream baby!" -Stu

"You sick fucks, you've seen one too many movies." -Sidney
"Now Sid, don't you blame it one the movies. Movies don't make psycho's, movies make psycho's a little more creative." -Billy

"Stop it Billy, all right? I can't take anymore...I'm feelin a little woozy here!" -Stu

"Are you alone in the house?" -Sidney
"Bitch, you bitch, where the hell are you?" -Billy
"Not so fast, we're going to play a little game. Its called- guess-who-just-called-the-police-and-reported-your-sorry-mother-fucking-ass!" -Sidney

"Hello?" -Stu
"Ahhhh...Stu, Stu, Stu....whats your motive?Billy has one, the police are on their way..what are you going to tell them?" -Sidney
"Peer pressure, I am far too sensitive." -Stu

"Did you really call the police?" -Stu
"You bet your sorry ass I did!" -Sidney
"My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me." -Stu

"O-My-God...Randy, I thought you were dead!" -Sidney
"I probably should be. I never thought I would be so happy to be a virgin." -Randy