Peter and Sarah (Cesarie) Bombardier King Family Photographs
Peter King Cesarie Bombardier King
Pierre Roy/Peter King was born on June 22, 1825 in Dunham, Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada the son of Charles King and Marie Louise Favreau. Sarah (Cesarie) Bombardier was born abt. 1830 in Dunham, Missisquoi, Quebec, Canada, the daughter of Antoine Bombardier and Marie Louise Brissette. Sarah is the sister of Marie-Louise who was married to Peter's brother William. Peter and Sarah had at least 13 children. They are: Marie-Cordelia, George, Joseph, Charles, Francois, Peter Jr., Auguste, Henry Joseph, Cesarie-Eugenie, Thomas, Marie-Lousie, Alphonse, Louis (Lewis) Salomon, Malvina, and John.
Marie-Cordelie KingSarah (Cesarie) King Henri J. King Marie-Louise King
Obituary of Peter King from the Richford Gazette
The death of Peter King which occurred at the home of his son, Alfred King, on the Stevens Mills Road, deserved more than passing notice, not alone because of his great age-93 years-but because also of a somewhat distinguished career. He was born in the town of Dunham, Quebec, June 22, 1825 and passed his early life there. He served as town councilor and for 20 years was school director, also served as Mayor of Stanbridge. About 40 years ago he moved his family to Fall River, MA, and 36 years ago came to Richford. For 7 years he carried on the so-called Will Wright farm on the West Abercorn Road, going thence to the Boright farm near Abercorn, where they remained eight years, after which they removed to East Berkshire. Here on Dec. 13, 1913, Mrs. King (Sarah Bombard) also a native of Dunham, died aged 83 years, and Mr. King came to Richford to reside with his son, at whose house he died. Mr. and Mrs. King are survived by four daughters, and eight sons, by 150 grandchildren; 75 great grandchildren and four great great-grandchildren--the 4th generation.
Mr. King's parents came to Canada from Ireland (see note) in 1820 settling in Dunham. His father died at the great age of 111 years. When 108 years of age he was a guest of the city of Boston at an old citizens gathering, and was given a gold headed cane in honor of the event and of the fact that he was the oldest man in America at the time, the date of his birth being certified by the record in Ireland (see note).
(Note - His parents were born in Quebec, both being French-Canadian, not Irish. The part about his father, Charles King, being given a gold headed cane is correct. Charles' headstone states that he was 110 years old when he died. However, I have information which states that Charles was born in 1783, which would make him 105 when he received the cane and 107 years old when he died.).
Special thanks go out to the family of Remi and Doris (Roy) Tougas, and Gerald and Pat King, who provided me with the photographs on these pages. As I receive more information I will update this page.
For more information on these and other King Family members, check the database on my homepage.