Welcome!!! The Kaientary is my attempt to bring light to excellence that might otherwise go un-noticed. I’ve been a wrestling fan since 1985 roughly, so I’ve got some sense of history and am fairly well versed in the sport from a fan’s perspective. I truly appreciate and respect the effort wrestlers all around the world put in on a nightly basis, these words will be my tribute to them. The Kaientary will be my thoughts on what I’ve witnessed in wrestling, be it live or what I’ve found on tape, which I hope to scrawl out as often as possible. Re-Birth Coming Soon!
Kaientapes!!! I hope to offer compilation tapes for the wrestling fan who are sick of "Sportz Entertainment", tapes that exist nowhere else (in addition to international and independent commercial, PPV and TV tapes) for educating the beginning and enriching the experienced puroresu fans’ tape collections at an affordable price. If you are looking for stiff wrestling, hardcore matches of pain, high-flying action, and/or a glimpse at where many current US stars started in the business – Kaientapes may be able to help. The Kai-en-tape list is now primarily a reference tool but inquiries are welcome...