Well - here they are: the pictures you voted for! To get the full sized image, just click on the corresponding thumbnail.
You will see that there is a predominance of pictures from a certain sequence from episode 5. Not all of these were ideal candidates for screen captures. Some of them are cropped from much larger mid-shots, and at least one (which has so many votes that I couldn't really exclude it) is from a panning shot and *impossible* (with my equipment anyway) to get a clear, unblurred shot of. I have tried to make up for that by offering you a few added extras. :-))) And I've also included (on this page) a few reminders of the sounds that went with the pictures. As always, click on the links with the (Þ) symbol by them,
(Þ) 'Well, whatever they were before,' | |||
I think you - we - both know what I mean.(Þ) | 'Can I level with you, Dad? (Þ) | 'I'm not sure yet,' (Þ) |
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Created by Phillip & Catriona Troth
Comments to webmaster@troth.demon.co.uk
Last updated 04/11/1997