Isn't it Weird.....?

This may be what Hanson is asking us, but I'm sure the fans have other questions, here are some common questions that have popped into my head.

Isn't it Weird......?

That Hanson became some successful, even though a number of people hate them?

That Taylor wears those tight shirts and pants?

That you see Hanson so much, but rarely see the rest of their family? I mean, if it weren't for their parents, they wouldn't even be on earth.

That Hanson and The Backstreet Boys almost seem to compete against eachother?

That Walker Hanson made enough money to support the family before Hanson got big?

That girls have to scream ear-peircingly loud at Hanson's concerts?

That girls have to scream ear-peircingly loud when they meet Hanson in person?

That MTV plays Hanson so much?

That VH1 rarely plays Hanson?

That Taylor sometimes gets all the attention?

That their tour is only two weeks?

That fans will go so far, just to see a glimps of the band?

That Hanson has no girlfriends?

That they sound better on their cd then they do playing live?

To imagine what Hanson would look like without their hair long?

That Hanson's faces are always on the cover of teeny-bopper magazines?

That people think Zac is still a little kid?

That radio stations and tv shows diss Hanson for no apparent reason, except to get a few laughs from the Hanson Haters?

How how fast Hanson rumors start?

That in interviews, Hanson always seems to be interrupting eachother.

That some fans get so defensive when someone says "Hanson Sucks"

That Zac's voice seems to be changing a little early.

That is seems on all their albums that I've heard(MON, IWC2Y and Cried single, 3CG, Snowed In) Isaac's voice always seems the same.

That Taylor always has to moan on the cds.

That Taylor jumps around behind the keyboards like he has to go to the bathroom....bad.

That you sometimes can't hear Zac during performances.

That in Three Car Garage, Taylor and Zac's voice sound exactly the same, so I can't tell the difference between the two.

That some of the outfits that Hanson wears are sort of.....'weird'.

That Hanson put 'Look At You' on was obvious that some people would take the song the wrong way.

That Zac likes to wear 'bright' clothes(such as the yellow pants, the yellow shoes, the bright shirts, ect, ect.)

That Taylor likes to wear two shirts(such as wearing a regualr shirt, with a button up shirt over it)

That Isaac wears his hair in a ponytail more then he wears it down.

*******NEW NOVEMBER 3*******

That Zac's voice in almost as deep as Taylor's now.

That they've released so many albums in the time they've been around(as in making music).

This is a story in itself. The song "Yearbook" is such a coincidence. One of my old best friends, John, moved here and we had a little 'crush' on eachother for a few years. He was the only one I let call me 'Katie' and I was the only one he would let call him "Johnny" It was really weird, cause he wasn't in the yearbook the first year he came to school. He moved away a few years ago. Isn't that weird?

That almost two years have passed since they burst into the scene!

Personally, I think that Zac is having a little trouble singing his parts now cause his voice has gotten so deep, so fast.

That Isaac has this 'thing' for shiny items of clothes.

That our little Hansons are growing up so fast *sniffle* *wipes a tear from eye*

That Nickelodeon is VERY nice about Hanson. I have not ONCE heard them diss Hanson. In fact, watch the Nickel-O-Zone on Wednesday. They'll be hosting.

Ya know, my VCR never wants to tape Hanson for some reason. Like when I tried to tape Live From the 10 Spot on MTV, it freakin' didn't tape! And I didn't get to watch it. I hate my self sometimes....oh well, back to the stuff.

That you sometimes have the weirdest questions about them, e.g. do they sleep on their backs or their stomachs. would they rather drink Pepsi or Coke(personally, I don't know the difference. As long as it's carbonated, I'll drink it no prob).

Ya know, it would be groovy if Hanson was on a game show, like Figure It Out or something. Ya know, that would be awesome!

That I wonder what the weather's like in Tulsa. I dunno. Would it be really hot weather? Is there ever snow? I've been from Maine to Florida and I don't know what kind of weather is in Tulsa.

That I say "Ya know" a lot. heh heh.

That I wonder what girls thought of Hanson before they were famous.

That a lot of people want to move to Tulsa now.

That a lot of people already live in Tulsa now. and a lot of teenage girls.

That I'm just making stuff up as I go. These are just things I think off every once in a while.

That Isaac rambles on a lot about stuff that no one really gets when someone asks a question, Taylor rambles on about something, but it doesn't really make sense, and Zac straight-up answers the question.

That I think that the pic inside the MON covers is REALLY good :)

If you have any unanswered questions about Hanson E-mail me
and tell me what they are!