Katy's Refrigerator

I've given the refrigerator a good scrub in March 2004, thrown out all the suspect foods and added fresh, new ones. You'll find the ice cream goodies at

Katy's Konfectionary

as there were just too many to keep at home. (Besides, they were too much of a temptation.)

Don't hold the door open too long, but look around and take (transload) what you like to your own fridge. Thank you.

You'll find the bottled water dispenser next to the fridge.

Inside there are more drinks.

Lemonade    Mineral Water    Milk

Gallon of Milk    Half & Half    Orange Juice

Pepsi    Dr Pepper    Coke

Cherry Coke    Assorted Sodas     Sunkist Orange

Fruit Cup    Chocolate Mousse

Ketchup    Salad Dressing    Mustard

Olives    Butter    Dozen Eggs

Swiss Cheese    Cheese Wheel    Gouda Cheese

Sausages    Summer Sausage    Beef & Potatos

Rolled Roast    Steak    Beef Roast

Fish    Shrimp Cocktail    Oysters


Fruit Basket    Fruit Basket 2

Fruit Bowl    Fruit Bowl 2    Fresh Fruit

Basket of Apples        Bowl of Apples

Banana    Strawberries    3 Bananas

Red Raspberries    Cherries

Pint of Blue Berries    2 Baskets of Blue Berries

Cranberries    Blue Grapes    Red Grapes

Lemons    Lemon Wedges    Oranges

Pear    Basket of Peaches    Peach

Kiwi Slices    Pineapple

Rhubarb    Basket of Strawberries

Watermellon    Icebox Mellon    Watermellon Bar



Yellow Beans    Beet    Broccoli

Cabbage    Cauliflower    Carrot

Celery    Chives    Corn

Cucumber    Dill Weed    Pickle

Green Pepper    Leeks    Green & Red Peppers

2 Mushrooms    Onion    6 Mushrooms

Parsnip    Peas    Lettuce

Potatos    Radishes    Squash    3 Onions

Tomato    Vegetables    Salad    Spinach