My Daughters Poems POEMS BY SHARON



You were so young when you
taken from us that January day in "95"
You still had your whole life
ahead of you
Nieces and nephews yet to meet
There are so many things to be said
Now all we have are the memories
of when you were alive
We hope and we pray you
can still feel the love we share
You are sorely missed

Sharon K. Barber

This poem is copyrighted and published in "Memories of Tomorrow"


G-is for the gentleness of her ways

R-is for the radiance about her

A-is for the agelessness she has

N-is for the nurturing she gave all

D-is for the decades of experience she shares

M-is for the memories

O-is for all she has to offer

T-is for the tranquil effect she has

H-is for the happiness she spreads

E-is for the encouragement she gives

R-is for the richness of love she showers on her family

Sharon K. Barber

This poem is copyrighted and published in "Among the Roses"


Mom,how can I ever
thank you enough
For all you've done
For all you've said
Just to say thank-you
doesn't seem enough
There isn't enough money
to repay you
You've been there for me
thru thick and thin
You've stuck by me
thru the good and the bad
And now,
You're there for my children
Mom, how can I ever
thank you enough

Sharon K. Barber

This poem is copyrighted an published in "The Innocence of Time"


Friends are patient
Friends are kind
Friends are like you
hard to find
Friends are faithful
Friends are true
There will never be another
friend like you
Friends are loyal
Red,White and Blue
Hard to come by are
friends like you

Sharon K. Barber

This poem is copyrighted and published in "Treasure the Moment"


Yesterday you were my only one
Yesterday you were my life-no one
ever treated me that way before
Yesterday they was no one else
Yesterday I didn't think anyone could take your place
Today I met someone new
Today someone tried to take your place
Today he almost succeeded
Today I found someone who treats me right
Tomorrow I may let him in my heart
Tomorrow I may start caring for him
Tomorrow I may be his

Sharon K. Barber



It's your day
so take it easy

It's your day
enjoy yourself

It's your day
buy yourself something special
or treat yourself to lunch

It's your day
so be nice to yourself
pamper yourself
take a long hot bath

It's your day

Sharon K. Barber

If you have any thoughts, opinions or ideas for more poems,Please e-mail me.

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