
Taggert- [angrily] It isn’t right…
Gia- He wanted to do it…
Taggert- So!
Gia- I couldn’t do it by myself. He offered and I…
Taggert- You could have said no…
Gia- Marcus… why can’t you see…
Taggert- No… you need to see that this is wrong.
Gia- Without his help it would’ve taken years…
Taggert- I would have helped… mom…
Gia- But don’t you see you don’t have to…
Taggert- [shaking his head] No Gia…
Gia- Look Marcus… he’s my brother and…
Taggert- [yelling] He’s not you damn brother! Do you hear me? He’s not…
Gia- Sonny is my brother and nothing you do will change that. You have to accept it…
Taggert- I don’t have to accept anything. I don’t like it…
Gia- You don’t have to. He’s a part of my life whether you want him to be or not.
Taggert- Gia…
Gia- No… he offered to pay for medical school…
Taggert- And you should have said no…
Gia- [sighing] But I didn’t…

How many more times would she hear this? How much longer would Marcus demand that she forget the other part of her? From the moment she learned of Sonny’s existence Gia’s life had been turned upside down. For so long she thought her life would go as she planned. She had dutifully accepted the struggle of medical school and pleasing her mother. Yet a few drunken words from the man long thought of as her father crumpled all that was around her. Brokenhearted she set out from Brooklyn in search of the family she never knew. Learning that Sonny and the man who was truly her father lived in the same city as Marcus gave her false hope that all things would turn out good for her. Neither Marcus nor her mother could understand her quest for her family and Sonny and Mike initially rejected her first attempts at reconciliation. Yet as time went on they equally welcomed her with open arms and slowly she learned and became apart of their family as well. And no matter what they did to and for her Marcus still would not accept them as part of her family. Sighing Gia looked at the mess that was her life. Stuck between two brothers who loved her and she loved as well with no idea of who or where to turn.

Port Charles was the last place he wanted to be. Nothing in that minuscule town interested him. His life, his family was in Greece. His first trip here had been a mission of mercy and he had no intention of returning yet here he was on his way back. In need of rescuing someone or something once again. Nikolas had accepted long ago that many would depend on him, and many would expect things of him but returning to Port Charles was nearly too much. His mother in truth wanted little to do with him. His sister despite the best of his of intentions knew little of him. And his brother… his brother… they fought hard to find and maintain the relationship they had. He couldn’t call what he felt for Lucky as love because to really examine it he knew in his heart of hearts what he felt for and about Lucky was envy. Nikolas laughed to himself as realized what he just revealed for the first time to himself. He was envious, he was jealous of the life Lucky lived. Here he sat a prince on the verge of riches and power unsurpassed and was jealous of a nobody… a commoner. Smiling to himself Nikolas slowly shook his head as plans for his return trip finally took shape. Plans for what he would do and what he had planned for Lucky materialized and he knew that by the time he left the last thing he would feel… he last emotion he would ever feel for Lucky would be envy. Smiling broadly as he leaned back in his seat he knew that by the time he left Port Charles once again all would be envious of he.