Nick Of Time II

The morning light drifting into the room Gia stared up at Nikolas not knowing what to do. How could she explain to Nikolas what last night truly was? How could she explain to him that she had been back in Port Charles for months now but was too afraid to face him. Last night was about so many things… she loved him… something she knew she would do for the rest of her life… but was her love for him enough? Who was she to return to his life and destroy everything he had? Last night she told him all the things she was doing was to save him from the life he was living but in truth she was doing it for the life she wanted to live… a life with Nikolas. Sensing him stirring in his sleep Gia quickly rose hastily tied a robe around her nude body before leaving the bedroom. With a thousand thoughts rushing through her head Gia knew she wasn’t ready to face him just yet.

The images from the night before coming to him Nikolas reached out to hold Gia in his arms wanting and needing to prove to himself that last night was real. An empty bed his only response Nikolas slowly sat up fearful that last night was another occurrence of his never ending dream. Running his hands through his hair Nikolas slowly opened his eyes not quite ready to face his so-called life. Taking in his surroundings Nikolas took a deep breath thankful that he still had the opportunity to change the direction his life had been heading. He loved Emily… he would never deny that fact. But his love for her and hers for him was not the love that would sustain him for the rest of his life. He put up a brave face when Gia offered herself to him but in truth the moment she came into his view once again he knew where his heart belonged. Despite the Gia from the night before Nikolas knew that in order for his heart and soul to truly be returned to her he would have to face the wall that forever encircled Gia. Pulling on his slack Nikolas left the bedroom ready to do battle and claim Gia as his once again. Watching her as she slowly moved around the kitchen Nikolas thought silently of what he should say to Gia to tell her of his true feelings. Deciding finally on what to say Nikolas was interrupted by Gia her “mask” firmly in place.

Gia- [her back still to him] I can give you a picture… it’ll last longer…
Nikolas- [softly smiling] Good morning to you too Sparky…
Gia- I guess some things have changed since I’ve been gone…
Nikolas- Like what?
Gia- [slowly shaking her head] You used to have so much more stamina in the morning…
Nikolas- Perhaps the events from last night tired me out…
Gia- [turning towards him] That never stopped you before…
Nikolas- Perhaps if you had stayed in bed longer…
Gia- And waste the day away… [shrugging] I don’t think so…

Finishing her juice as Nikolas continued to stare at her Gia attempted to leave the kitchen only to be stopped by Nikolas.

Nikolas- Gia…
Gia- I left you juice and coffee on the counter… anything else you’ll have to get yourself…
Nikolas- [slowly shaking his head] What was last night about?
Gia- [softly] You tell me…
Nikolas- I… I don’t know if…
Gia- [interrupting him] We were two consenting adults Nikolas… the opportunity presented itself and we took it…
Nikolas- That’s it?
Gia- Nothing more nothing less…
Nikolas- That’s not how it felt Gia…
Gia- We’ve never had a problem being physical Nikolas so why should it be any different now?
Nikolas- It was more than that Gia and you know it…
Gia- All I know is that in a few months you will be marrying another woman…
Nikolas- Gia…
Gia- It was New Year’s Eve Nikolas… some habits are hard to break…
Nikolas- [softly] And some you don’t want to…
Gia- [looking quickly at him] What does that mean?
Nikolas- [looking intently at her] What do you want it to mean?
Gia- [shrugging as she moved back into the kitchen] It’s your life…

Nodding his head Nikolas turned away from Gia slowly looking around her penthouse. Knowing she watched his every move Nikolas took his time careful not to say anything until she initiated the conversation. Watching as he flopped onto the nearby chaise longer Gia was near screaming at his silence. A smile spreading on his face as he slowly crossed his feet Gia could take no more and quickly questioned him.

Gia- Well?
Nikolas- Well what?
Gia- We were in the middle of a conversation…
Nikolas- [nodding] Oh that…

A momentary loss for words Gia stared back at Nikolas shocked and confused by his behavior. Her Nikolas never acted like this and for once she didn’t quite know what to do. Seeing the confusion clearly on her face Nikolas sat up staring at Gia once again as he questioned her.

Nikolas- I thought last night was your attempt at saving me…
Gia- [shrugging] I lied…
Nikolas- You lied huh?
Gia- Yeah… I just wanted some…
Nikolas- So last night was all about you being desperate?
Gia- [slowly shaking her head] I’m never desperate…
Nikolas- Then what?
Gia- [shrugging] A little hard up…
Nikolas- Little… [shaking his head] never that… hard… [looking her up and down as he slowly smiled] most definitely…
Gia- [raising an eyebrow] Does your fiancé know you talk like this? Then again knowing Emily she’d probably cover her ears in embarrassment…
Nikolas- [laughing] Probably…
Gia- Is that how she got you? Being all sweet and innocent…
Nikolas- She hasn’t gotten anything besides who said anything about sweet an innocent?
Gia- [smirking] Oh so she’s rocking it like that huh?
Nikolas- [slowly shaking his head] No…
Gia- Well too bad for her then…
Nikolas- Yeah… I guess… [looking intently at her] what about you?
Gia- Me… sweet and innocent… [smiling] I don’t think so…
Nikolas- Sweet… [quickly licking his lips] yeah… innocent… [slowly shaking his head] I don’t plan on you being…
Gia- Plan… what is that? Wishful thinking… a slip of the tongue…
Nikolas- Not yet…
Gia- Not yet… ok on that note let me go and get dressed…

Watching as she turned her back to him Gia quickly disposed of her cup before attempting to leave the kitchen once again. Speaking softly Nikolas once again called her name.

Nikolas- [softly] Gia…
Gia- [her back to him] What is it Nikolas?
Nikolas- Gia…
Gia- [slowly turning towards him] What?
Nikolas- [looking intently at her] Come here…
Gia- Excuse me…
Nikolas- [softly] I said come here…
Gia- [whispering] What do you want Nikolas?

Slowly walking towards him Gia’s breath quickened as she read the multiple emotions showing on his face. Stopping to stand in front of him Gia stared down at Nikolas almost fearful of what Nikolas had to say. Staring at her Nikolas slowly moved to the edge of the chaise lounger positioning Gia between his parted legs. Taking the ends of her robe’s belt Nikolas slowly untied her robe inhaling deeply as her naked form was once came into view. Leaning forward Nikolas placed a tender kiss on her stomach as he softly whispered to her.

Nikolas- I want you… [slowly shaking his head] I need you to save me…
Gia- [softly] Nikolas…

Letting her robe trickle to her feet Nikolas shook his head as he continued to kiss Gia slowly moving down her body. Easing her legs apart Nikolas placed an open mouth kiss on her femininity as she crumpled in his arms. His back against the chaise Nikolas pulled Gia on top of him holding her close. Drawing her closer still to him Nikolas joined their lips kissing her passionately. Wrapped tightly in his embrace Gia responded to Nikolas’ kiss her want and desire for him forever present. Their tongues locked in their usual dance Nikolas tenderly touched her body caressing the peaks and valleys of her. Her need at fever’s peak Gia pushed at Nikolas’ pants exposing him to her touch. Caressing and stroking in unison Gia softly gasped as Nikolas eased his able digits inside of her. Moving to the rhythm of his fingers Gia softly chanted Nikolas’ name delirium and euphoria but a step away. Straddling him Gia positioned herself to be impelled by him however as slowly moved down on him Nikolas stilled her movements causing her to look up at him. Locking eyes Gia leaned forward gently caressing his face reading and sensing his hesitation.

Gia- [whispering] Baby…
Nikolas- [slowly shaking his head] No one leaves this time..
Gia- Nikolas…
Nikolas- [whispering] You can’t leave me this time…
Gia- [slowly shaking her head] I won’t…
Nikolas- [slowly pulling her down on him] This is forever…
Gia- [moaning softly] Forever…

Locked in absolute satisfaction Nikolas watched as Gia slowly made love to him. Ecstasy washing over her Gia bowed her back as she rocked and rode Nikolas. Opening his legs wider Nikolas pushed himself further still in Gia causing her to softly cry out. His hands on her waist Nikolas held Gia to him as she quickly thrust up into her. The pull of her body too much Nikolas slowly moved his hands over her form wanting to again feel all of her. Her hands covering his together they touched and caressed all. Moving together as one Nikolas and Gia slowly cried out fulfillment finally reached. Quiet surrounding them Nikolas and Gia remained joined words no longer needed. Time slowly passing Gia gathered up her courage and asked Nikolas what was heavy on her mind.

Gia- [softly] Nikolas…
Nikolas- [gently caressing her shoulder] Yes baby…
Gia- What happens when Emily calls?
Nikolas- She just calls…
Gia- [slowly shaking her head] Nikolas…
Nikolas- [sighing] I’ll talk to her…
Gia- And what about Stefan and Alexis and Lucky and…
Nikolas- What about them?
Gia- By now they should know you’re out of jail…
Nikolas- Ok and…
Gia- This won’t be easy will it?
Nikolas- [slowly smiling] Where’s the fun in being easy?
Gia- Baby…
Nikolas- Sparky… I stopped living after you left the first time… I can’t go back to that life again…
Gia- I know but…
Nikolas- [gently stroking her cheek] Baby I love you and that’s all that matters…
Gia- [softly] I love you too…
Nikolas- And no matter who or what comes at us we can get through it and them together… [at her nod] besides you promised me forever and I intend to hold you to that…
Gia- [softly smiling] Good…
Nikolas- Yeah… real good…
Gia- [softly smiling] You know forever is a long time…
Nikolas- Yeah…
Gia- If you work hard at it… at least a couple of months of nonstop practice…
Nikolas- What…
Gia- [straddling him once again] Your stamina might be back to where it once was…
Nikolas- [his hands on her hips as he slowly began to move under her] Or it might be even better…
Gia- [softly moaning] Yeah…

Slowly sitting up Nikolas wrapped Gia in his arms kissing her hungrily only to be stopped by the ringing of Nikolas’ cell phone.