"All I want for Christmas is a playoff berth!" Isn't that how the song goes?
We have three games left in our season, and we need to win them all. Hopefully, we can do that and can also get some help, as we did last weekend. It seemed like each team that we were battling for a playoff berth lost. If that happens, who knows? The only thing I do know is that we can only control what we do, so that means just concentrating on beating the Seattle Seahawks this weekend. They are fighting for a playoff spot just like us, so it's not going to be easy. With the way things have gone for us this year, a playoff berth would certainly make us all feel better.
I can't believe that Christmas is almost here. I think that it certainly has a different meaning that in years past, especially for those of us who live in the New York/New Jersey area. There are so many people that were adversely impacted by the events of September 11th. Many children lost parents, many parents lost children, and many spouses lost their partners. They say that time heals all wounds, and I guess with time these people will feel better. However, for many of them it is their first Christmas without a loved one, and that has to be a terrible feeling. All the presents in the world won't bring their loved ones back. It's so sad.
The Giants are doing a nice thing this weekend. They've invited the families of victims of September 11th to attend our practice on Saturday. While I'm looking forward to seeing them, and hoping that being around us may bring some joy into their lives, it saddens me that they won't feel truly happy on Christmas.
I think, in light of September 11th, I'm more appreciative of those around me. I'm glad that I have my family and friends, my teammates, and my beautiful fiance, Brooke. We're getting married in March, so I'm looking forward to celebrating next Christmas as Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Collins.
We should all try to remember those around us who are less fortunate than us. We live in the greatest country in the world, and if September 11th taught us anything, it's that we should help each other out.
My best wishes for a safe and healthy Christmas go out to everyone. 12/21/01
-- Kerry Collins