Kerry Collins, a veteran of alcohol rehab, said yesterday he agrees with the NFL policy toward performance-enhancing substances such as ephedra.
Collins' view is diametrically opposed to that of teammate Jason Sehorn, who complained to the Daily News in yesterday's editions that the league is harsher on first-time ephedra users (four-week suspension) than cocaine users (no suspension, enrollment in drug counseling).
"I disagree with Jason," said Collins, who spent time at the Menninger Clinic in Kansas for alcohol abuse after he signed a free agent contract with the Giants. "I think you're talking about performance enhancement and gaining a competitive edge. Alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, whatever it is ... obviously those are personal things that have nothing to do with performance and nothing to do with compromising the integrity of the game.
"You take steroids, you take ephedra, you're trying to gain a competitive edge on the field on Sunday and that compromises the integrity of the game and of the league itself."
Asked if he supported a four-game ban for first-time ephedra users, Collins said, "Absolutely."
Sehorn said he took ephedra on almost a daily basis before testing began last spring - not as a performance enhancer but as a diet aid, its purpose as an over-the-counter drug.
Collins also disputed that distinction.
"There are multiple uses for everything and just because the intention is not to use it in a certain way, you can still feel the effects and have it perform in a way that's advantageous, whether that's the intent he took it for or not," the quarterback said. "So I'd have to disagree with him there, too. You can take it a 100 different ways but the bottom line's the same."