About Kimchi

So, you think you want to know more about me, eh? Well, thats terribly
brave of you, but since you dove right in, and must know, i certainly
feel obligated to oblige you. 

I am a 20 year old poet, (almost 21 years old, GODDAMNIT! *grin*)
desperatly trying to get published because the parents are getting on 
my case to get outta the nest. Although, for the record I haven't the
foggiest why they are so eager to be rid of me...! Anyways, I live in
San Diego where the dear and antelope reside in Wild Animal Park,
which is really boring, don't every waste your money on it if you come
to town. My name is Allison and i'm not going to tell you my last name
because i don't know...i just don't think thats a good idea. 

Right now I spend all my free time with my boyfriend, my latin lover. He
is my moonbeam, my pookie- I am a meteor falling towards his earth. (shit,
I'm making myself gag).

If i could i would spend all my free time wandering the internet and
(lately) gulping up HTML protocal in giant unimaginable, unintelligable
gulps, but i happen to go to a crappy junior college called Palomar 
College. If you talk to me in chat, sometimes I lie and say I go to
UCSD but don't believe me no matter how much i doth protest, because
I really, really do. *sob* Don't remind me. Okay I got crappy grades in
high school..but should that punish me to the doom of a crappy junior
college? Nevermind, don't answer that- i know the answer allready.

I'm a Macintosh person, too.  My apple may have a byte out of it, but
I'll take a byte out of you, too, if you even think for a moment that those
"other computers" are better. MACS RULE!

I paint, too. Which is quite fun. I love that...oils, acyrlics, and 
watercolors. I am most framiliar with acyrlics, but prefer oils 
because they make me feel like a real bonifide artist or something,
like i'm going to cut my ear off at a moments notice. Uhh...well,
not quite, but you get my point. Don't you?

I also teach painting...teach mostly watercolors, which its rewarding
because it has a bunch of people hanging on your every word as gospel,
but it doesn't make much money, and I don't think I'm considering it
as a 'career'...! Ugh! Here is a sample of some of my work, this is my
favorite, its called Yellow Wallpaper. But I also like Ballerina.

Oh, yeah...i'm an *AVID* reader, as well...! I absolutly LOVE reading!
I can't get enough of it. Read anything that doesn't move. Does that 
make sense? I'm not too sure about myself sometimes! *grin* I like
all kinds of books, but lately I've been reading a lot of Sci-Fi and
Horror. Of course I like X-files...who doesn't? I mean, even my 
*grandparents* watch that show! But I like Seinfeld and Fraiser a lot
as well. 

Call me a renaiassance woman!

***And if you want to go back to my homepage, i hope you're smart enough
to figure out the "back" button on your browser, cause i ain't putting
a special button on here for dweebs who can't figure it out! *sticks tongue out*
This is for the dweebs who can't get back to my main page!