Dear Mama

Dear mama how I've missed you for so long,

Where did we go wrong?

Looking back on our past years,

When you had a huge career,

Singing all them sad songs,

Just trying to reunite with me,

So we could be a family,

Living our lives knowing one another,

Yet I lived so far away from you with my father,

Many years have went by,

When you asked me where I lived,

Nothing but lies came out of my mouth,

I told you that I lived south,

But really I lived north,

I lied and I didn't want to tell you the truth,

Then when I finally saw you again It was once or twice a year,

While I felt so far from you, you seemed to be so near,

After time went bye you started losing your eye sight.

Only able to see some colors and bright light,

Many times you were afraid of what may lay ahead,

Afraid to step ahead,

As time went on you went completely blind,

Feeling so hurt deep within the mind,

And you began to lose your time here on earth.

Only wanting to feel the warmth,

Hoping a guardian angel would come down from the heavens and lend a helping hand,

Make your stay a little longer on this land,

But your still waiting this day for an answer.

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