1. Our Father who art in heaven:
Here I will remain.
2. Hallowed be thy name:
I'll never be the same.
3. Thy kindom come, thy will be done:
My life you have won.
4. On earth as it is in heaven:
I'll shout for joy at your return.
5. Give us this day our daily bread:
The multitudes of five-hundred you have fed.
6. Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors:
I am forgiven of everything.
7. And lead us not into temptaion:
Forgive the temptation of our nation.
8. Deliver us from evil:
Get behind me Satan you are a stumbling block to
9. For Thine is the kindom:
Where I will be someday.
10. And the power:
God is an awesome God.
11. And the glory forever. Amen:
I will glorify your name.