
Early morning sky
The town is yet asleep
A time of innocense
And thinking thoughts so deep
In the quiet and the peace
I listen and I see
The calming of the night
And it sets my spirit free:

Crickets sing their song
Cool breezes on my face
Stars are twinkling bright
Up in outer space
A slug, it slithers by
A bird lets out a tweet
The dew upon the grass
The flowers smell so sweet
A spider builds its web
A mouse is running fast
The birds are singing more
I know this night won't last
'Cause sunlights just a hint
The day will soon arrive
Quintessence of the night will fade
The town will come alive
But I know that soon again
The night returns once more
And, once again, I'll feel this peace
Just like I did the night before

Copyright ©1998 by Joshua Sutton

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