Dark and Dreary Kisses 


Pawns, we are, tossed relentlessly in life's sea of woe; beaten senseless against the rocks, drowning in  the techology humanity craves; or seems to.

Mournful wails assaulting tears as great oceanliners cross over the tortured watery graves, as death-white, clawing, gnarled fingers grope uncompromising brass.

Ships cruising unmanned and without a sense of purpose, without a shore to dock at, to rest at.

Black smoke pouring out, suffocating the more human creatures, those yet uncorrupted by the hope of somehow getting aboard without making waves.

Day becoming twilight - endless twilight - dawn and dusk one endless moment.

Ocean, heated by hell's rage - life once known to the drowning, suffering mass of humanity: washed away, in a storm of such magnitude that God must have wept for all souls, salty tears we were to corrupt to cry.

sherry 1979 ©

This Dream I Dream

To be filled with music, with life, is this world I live
This dream i dream.
Yet memories pass me with unremembered fondness, distaste, regret, nostalgia...
The present more seeming, the future mine for dreaming.

No reverie greets
For the future's past
unshown to my mortality...
shattered dreams, faltering ego, broken promises...
prices paid for the dream of dreams, 
that not of substance
not yet to be excited by music
and life
but for a scattered answer
whose reply can never satisfy a dreamer.

sherry  1979 ©


swept without by relentless tides
waves crashing about me
tossing me like so much cotton fluff...

sail on
while the wind blows
tomorrow, i shall be alone,
no shifting mood, no ebbing tide,
harmony and peace
nowhere to be found

aimlessly drifting 
into the wrong port
past recollection
my memory tossed upon the wind,
mournfully shouting
my cause to the world;
this ruined life.

unconcerned, i float about
whither wind sends me, i go
whither im beckoned the call is answered,
though none thinks to ask my question

ebbing tide appearing, the sandy beach on which i come to rest,
gravelled, full of rock
yet no more can i understand the tossing and turning
of a merciless sea
when choosing to toss out flotsam like me

sherry 1979 ©


I climbed the purple mountains, till the rain washed me downstream.
Boy, was I tired.
Then I painted rainbows for a time.  It sure was messy work.  You wouldn't believe how the colors ran together.
Then i began making mountains out of molehills:
you know, like whipping the hell out of a Three Musketeers bar.  But I got tired of that too.
So, one day I just up and died. 
But, even death aint all it's cracked up to be.

Sherry 1979 ©

and on a different note....


Life changes, arranges a pattern unlike before,
never again,
until tomorrow anyway.

Whiling away the hours
inhaling scentless flowers
waiting for a man to satisfy my need.

First, he kissed me, long ago,
And then he seduced me
You might say he used me
if you are so inclined.

But, then again, perhaps it was I, the aggressor
And he, the seductee...
I, the lion
He, the tamer.

Sherry 1981

Email me at Galadria@verizon.net with comments back to links