Kitcar links

The official Tiger Racing web page

Tiger Sportscars

Other Tiger Cat E1 builders

So far, I've found two other sites of people building a Tiger Cat E1. Please let me know if you know of any other sites.

Ian Cassapi
Ian started this site on the 1st of April and is probably in the same building stage as we are although his page doesn't mention whether he has purchased the donor yet.
Chris Good
Chris started stripping the donor in December last year and has since then made great progress.

Tiger Cat pictures

William Turner
This site contains a number of pictures of the Tiger Cat from different angles


Which kit
Nice site with lots of information. Unfortunately it has not been updated since January!
British Hand Crafted Cars
Internet kitcar magazine
Paul Wilkie
Contains a diary of building a Robin Hood series III which is another Sierra based seven replica
A comprehensive list of all(?) UK-based kitcar manufacturers
Dave Andrews
Dave Andrews owns a Robin Hood for quite some time now but still feels its not finished. His site contains many useful articles on Sierra based kitcars that are written by himself!