"Count    On    Me"

Frenz Til Da End

The   Boyz

Here's a lil history: Well, "Da Boyz" is our crew...we all met somehow in our early high school years, and have since been closer dan brothas. We've had so many memories togetha (good and bad), and dese memories are what keeps da "Boyz" spirit alive. You may wonder why we came to be called Da Boyz....well, from da start, I guess we've always luved to sing and harmonize, and we've always adored da group Boyz II Men, and hence we became Da Boyz. I believe throughout da years, dis name has embodied more meaning dan we had intended. It brought us closer togetha during good times, and reminded us of dat spirit during bad times. Today, we've all moved on to our separate lives, but little does dat imply dat we've forgotten each otha. Rather, time and distance is merely an obstacle, and da "Boyz" spirit still lives widin each and every-one of us!

BYUNG JOON MOON: a.k.a. BJ, is proclaimed as our leader, although sometimes I wonder...j/k. No, seriously, Moon, as we all have come to call him, is very smart and good-lookin guy (for all u single ladies out dere). I met him in my sophomore year, and since den, our frienship grew from dere. Although he tends to phase out into one of his "Wang Ja Byung" moods sometimes, we forgive him, right Moon? Heh, but he is now in UPenn, where I hear he is studyin hard, majorin in pre-med, and havin some fun. Play on, bro!
DEOK YOUNG SONG: Dis guy here is one pal to hold on to. Here let me tell u why...I met him in my sixth grade and since den we's been pretty good frenz. But up til high school, our friendship kinda faded. But it all good, cuz I got 2 kick it wid him more in high school, and we's pals again. But I've learned so much from him. He is intelligent, hard-workin, good-lookin, fun-lovin, and still has time to smile. I think dat he should know by now dat he is my inspiration, and da motivation to da rest of da Boyz. I may not be able to surmount his achievements, but hey Deok, at least I'll still work U in da paint....hehehe. He is currently in Duke University (wow), and is double majorin in engineerin and pre-med...and i wish u all da luck bro!
JASON YI: Here's a guy who appears to be hidden and quiet, but gots da juice baybee. I met him thru Sam, but since den, we's became brothas. He's helped me soooo much thru my high school years. I can't help sometimes admirin how calm he is most of da times. He seems to never have problems while da rest of us are stressed out. And he still manages to get da honies...sup wid dat? Anyway, he is currently attendin Penn State, and is havin a blast dere. I believe he is also majorin in pre-med along wid every-one else. We all proud of u bro!
SAM HONG: Wow, so much to say bout dis guy. I met him in middle skool, but we weren't exactly all dat til high school. Since den, we've shared so many paralleling experiences togetha. I's can relate to him, and he can relate to me. Dis guy started da "PLaYa's CLuB"...heh. But one thing's for sure, he's got lots of dreams, and i's hope one day, Sam, ur innermost dream will come true. He is currently attendin UCLA, da bomb baybee, wid me, and he's also havin a fine time here in l.a. Although he works hard and plans to major in pre-med (so what else is new?), he still manages to have fun and kick it wid frenz. Sorry ladies, dis mack is taken. Good luck 2 u bro, and see yas around!
STEPHEN TING: Well, dat's me...I'm majorin in busi-econ, cuz I'm unique...hahaha! No, actually, cuz I just ain't as smart as all da rest of em. Anyway, not much to say here, except dat I's missin my "Boyz," and we be reunitin again soon. Lates, y'all!
Guam   Crew

HEUI JOON SHIN, CHI HYUNG KIM, and MIN SONG KIM: Heui Joon is our "hyung," but sometimes u just could not tell...heh. He's cool and anybody would get a kick or good laugh wid him. He is a year ahead of us (Da Boyz) and is currently attending Boston U. Chi and Min are considered to be our "proteges". In these past few years, they've become very close 2 us. Chi is a fun-lover, yet has high goals. He's now attending skool at University of Illinois at U-C. Knowin him, I'm sure he be havin some fun. We's always be wishin u luck bro. Min is very intelligent and successful. You can say dat he's da next Deok...heh. But he's doin well at Cornell University. Dis guy is one homeboy 2 watch out 4...cease da world, Min. Congrats bro!!!

KYUNG HURH, BO YEON JEON, and MI YEON CHON, EUN SUNG KIM: In the past year, our crew have come to include these 4 fine ladies. They've become sistas 2 us. I guess we be called Da Boyz and Girlz now, huh? But seriously, dey r fly...madd fly honies. Kyung, aka Cecilia, aka Cinderella, is a sweet lil girl who's got ambitions of enterin hotel management. Bo, an extremely all-around person, gots it all. She knows all da good places to grub, all da phat places to kick it, and all da dope things to do. But more, she got skillz...she's smart, knows what she wants, and knows how to get em (and I ain't talkin bout guys!). Mi is so sweet, she's even sweeter dan Kyung (j/k kyung, u sweet 2). She's currently in Purdue, and she workin hard and havin fun. Boy, if u eva need a smile, she be ur girl. Eun Sung is our queen latifah. She gots da best sense of humor, and i ain't hardly seen a girl wid as much pride and confidence as her. much love goin out 2 u's.
Special   Shout   Outs

CHARLIE KAO: Dis guy is a true brotha. If I was 2 sum dis guy up in one sentence, it would go somethin like dis..."If he was a chick, I'd marry him." j/k. Seriously, I'd say dis cuz he's like my twin. He knows what I think b4 I even say it. We like on da same wavelength. At heart, he is my brotha, and I would not let him down. We grew up togetha, frenz since elementary. We've got some good laughs togetha and lookin back, I'd neva 4get em. Now, we still da bomb togetha in l.a., and I'm glad he's still here 4 me. He now attends UC Irvine, da anteater skool...heh. And he still gettin all da honies. U go boyeeeeee!

2 MY SPECIAL SISTAS RUBY TSOU, BINH NGUYEN, MENDY TRAN: Ruby is a true jewel 2 treasure. She been dere for me b4, and I won't let her down if she eva needs me. Plus, she cute, nice, smart, and got a great smile...what a great combo. Binh is da bomb. She gots beauty and brains. Thanks for always helpin me out. Back home, they've always been dere 4 me, and i's neva eva forget my 2 sis. Mendy is very special 2 me. I met her when I got here, but I knew even b4 i met her dat she was one of da nicest person. You see, she was my older brotha's gfren, and she's always treated me so nicely as if I was her lil bro. Today, at heart, she'll always be my older sis...someone I can count on, and I's always be dere 4 her too.
SPECIAL DEDICATIONS: 2 My Hawaiian Frenz: Henry, Ray, Link, Mary Ann, and my fellow fd homeboyz. 2 My Frenz Down South (Irvine and OC): Danny, Aaorn, May, Karen, Will, Jimmy (quit causin trouble), Lisa, Peggy, John, Han, Soon, and Young. To My S.C. homies and homegirlz: Drew, Jory, Paul, Ling Chi, Mimiy, Julie, Angela, Jen, Ammie, Wayne... Here's a Special Ded Section to my L.A. brothas and sistas (hope i get you all): Sam, Eddie and Terrance (the Ace, Gary and Terry gang), Wayne (aka Wan-ye), Reuben, Young, Alex, Sam, Daniel, James and Brian (my small group bros), John (James' evil twin), Albert, Haze, Jae, Ed the Brazilian monkey, Prelude Joe, Peggy (no, i won't list all your nicknames), Daniela, Jane, Stacey, Sabrina, Jen and Vanessa, Tuan(smoke-dog), Sarah, Grace, and Jen, Kyung and Alice, Ellen, all da other KBS folks dat i don't know as well or might have missed, and of course my favorite KBS hyung...Billy. To my Guam frenz, Hafa Adai! To my UW posses (Gary and Annie), wasn't it fun kickin it when we were kids? Agnes, 823 637! Meg, HMMM! Joanne, thanks for everything. Viv, "shiang ni!" Mia, when u comin to visit? And to my bro Stan, I give u MadD PropS! Dat's bout it 4 now......sorry, if i missed u, but u in my heart.

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