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Miscellaneous : Dragon Ball Worldwide Award of Excellence
      This award is only reserved for the best of the best anime sites on the net. If you think your site gots what it takes, then by all means, what are you waiting for? Send in your request, along with your URL, and why you think you should receive my award... Here are the requirements:
  • Your site's design must be excellent.
  • Your site must have a mediocre loading time.
  • NO pornography of any kind.
  • Must have some original content, meaning no stolen content either.
  • Must have a link leading to my site.
  • No illegal content (stolen warez, etc.)
  • The viewer must have something to come back to the site for. It must also have some sort of goal, not some junky page.
  • If you are a member of some sort of popular site vote, like Anime Top 100 sites, etc., I will allow absolutely NO CHEATING. That means no pop-up windows that automatically votest for you when you enter the site.
  • Must be related to some sort of anime.

DBWw Award of Excellence Winners:
   SaiyanZ Pride
   Masters of Kaioken

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