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Son Gokuu
Character Summaries: Son Gokuu
General Information:
Name spellings:
   Son Goku
   Son Gokou
   Son Gokuh
   Son Gokuu
Saiya-jin Name:
Home Planet:
   Planet Vegita
Best Friend: Kurilin
Favorite Foods:
   Just about everything
Favorite Passtimes:    fighting/training
   practicing martial arts
Highest Saiya-jin Level Ever Reached:
   Super Saiya-jin Level 3 (Level 4 in DBGT)

Son Gokuu's Family
Adoptive Grandfather:
   Son Gohan
   Son Gohan
   Son Goten

     Gokuu, who is the Hero of our story, was not always the person we all know, and have grown to love. In fact, the Saiyans sent little Kakarotto to Earth on a mission to destroy the living inhabitants so that it can be sold to sort of a "Planetary Black Market" of the universe. As an infant, he was a fierce and untaimable creature, like some wild beast, until one day, all that changed for him.
     He was walking along side of a cliff, when he slipped and fell into the ravine. He bumped his head, and strangely enough, he became the innocent, care-free boy with a heart pure as gold that we all watched grow up as he made new friends, and enemies during his humorous and adventurous searches for those irresistable magic Dragon Balls.
Son Gokuu
     Some people may think that Gokuu is sort of stupid, but that is untrue. Gokuu is merely a bit naive, and sometimes gullible when it comes to trusting others. Although, he has converted some of his enemies into great allies and friends, such as Piccolo, or Majin Buu. This is because he believes that no person is born "evil", and that everyone, no matter how bad, cruel, or screwed up they are, all have a little bit of goodness deep down, concealed under all their hatred or whatever... This is both one of his greatest strengths, and his greatest weaknesses.
     Gokuu is the type of person that you can always count on. And in the words of Dr. Briefs from the Capsule Corporation Headquarters: "While in tense situations, when it seems all hope are lost, Gokuu almost always has a way of letting others feel the age-old proverb of 'where there's a will, there's a way.'"

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