This    is    my    extended    family    (sort    of)

These are the people that know how hard I work at school. How do they know, you might ask? Because they work at least as hard as I do. There are 67 of us, and we are physiotherapists in training. We have to know everything about how the human body works to create movement and all sorts of stuff like that. We study a lot, moan and groan about exams a lot, and party a lot, when we get a break! By the end of our four years, we should feel like family to one another.

When this picture was taken, we were still fresh-faced and innocent as to what the future might hold for us. But we are one year older and one year wiser now. Hee, hee, hee!

But we wouldn't be here at all, unless we thought we had what it takes to help people help themselves. We have to be strong and bossy, because people don't always want to do the work to get better. They just want it to happen. We'll all be great at what we want to do.