1. What would you do if you met OJ Simpson in a dark alley? I would take him out on a night for a town. We'll sit back, have a few Knick Man Championship Beers and just have a good ol time! Actually, myself and O.J. Simpson are very good friends, and I do know the ENTIRE story about the Nicole situation. But if you think I'm going to tell you people, you better get your head examined! O.J. and myself, WE BOYS! 2. Who/what has been your biggest influence? Patrick Ewing. He really helped me out in making my adjustment into the NBA in my rookie season and as a result, we won 10 straight championships! From a wrestling standpoint, Lord Awesome. He's the one that got me out of the EECW and got me a contract with the ASW, thus making me the wrestling legend that I am today. 3. What is the worst thing that happened to you in your youth? I remember it like it was yesterday. I was in the eight grade and my school made it to the City Finals. We were playing against this team in Brooklyn and they were talking MADD garbage! Well, when it came time to play the game, I was absolutely on fire! I was hitting 3 pointers from left and right. I don't know how many I made, but I know I hit a lot! Anyway, we were down by 1 point and with 1 second remaining, I got fouled. I had 69 POINTS, in that game. Two free throws. Make one and we tie the game and go into overtime. Make both and we win it. I missed BOTH free throws and we lost! It was one of the worst experiences that has ever happened to me. But it was good though, because it gave me that winning desire that I have to this day. 4. What is the worst pain you ever felt in your life? (physical/emotional) When I was in high school, I got shot in my leg. I was playing in a street league and there was a lot of money involved in the game. There was this big drug dealer/hustler type named Fat Cat and he wanted me to throw the game. I refused and he shot me in my leg. It hurt like Hell! 5. If you could meet one person, at any point in history, who would it be? What would you say to them? I would want to meet Bob Cousy and play him one on one! He's a great player and I would have loved to play against him. I think I would have taken him to school though! 6. Boxers or briefs? Boxers. But only Knick Man Championship Boxers! 7. What is the greatest thing you've ever achieved? I can only pick one? Well, winning my 10 NBA Championships, winning the ASW World Title and becoming #74 on RSPWF in only my rookie year have got to be pretty high up there! 8. What are your favorite and least favorite foods? I love fried chicken! I hate pork. It's disgusting, and I don't know how you people can even eat that crap! 9. Favorite musicians/songs? I like everything! Rap, Rock, Jazz, Reagge, Classical, heck, even Gospel music! I like all that good stuff baby! Like my wrestling skills, my taste in music is very versitle! 10. Favorite movie? Hoop Dreams obviously! 11. If you had one wish, what would it be? More wishes of course! 12. Where do you see yourself in 10/20/50 years? Let's see, 10 years, I will probably be finished wrestling and I would be playing golf for the PGA! Tiger Woods don't got a thing on me baby! 20 years, I'll probably be retired, sitting back on some exotic island that I brought just chilling. 50 years? I'll probably be dead. I would be almost 80 in 50 years, and you can't keep someone as great as I am around for 80 years 13. If you went to McDonalds and found a rat in your burger, what would you do? You would never catch The Knick Man in McDonalds! Unlesss of course they hired me to do some advertising for them! 14. What would you do if someone broke into your home? I'll have them arrested and have them tried, convicted, and executed! I really hate theives! Imagine, the audicity of trying to break into the Knick Man's home! But then again, if they did try, with the high tech security that I have on my pad, they probably won't live to tell about it! 15. If you weren't wrestling in the AICW, what would you be doing? Either wrestling somewhere else or playing Golf! 16. Worst job you ever had? Back in High School, I use to have to go door to door delivering circulars to peoples houses. It sucked! I had dogs chased after me! People yelled at me and made fun of me. I felt like a complete idiot! 17. Assuming there is a God, what will you say to him when you die? I would say Lord, I thank you for making me your gift to Sports! And the rest of the world thanks you as well! 18. What do you always keep in your fridge? Food! My name ain't Jeffery Dawyner! 19. What do you look for in a mate? Itelligence, beauty, and the ability to worship me and tell me how great I am! 20. If you could freeze all time and motion, what three things would you do? 1. Save the world or something cool like that! 2. Take Erotic Erin, Sensuous Samantha, and Caitlan Fairchild and produce my very first movie staring ME! I guess you can pretty much imagine what that movie would be about! 3. Chop Nicky De Niro's fingers off and stick them in his ears!