Read Message [Help] prev next Back to roleplays ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1998 17:12:38 -0800 (PST) From: Roosevelt Cooper Add to Address Book Subject: [Tag Team Hell 98]-Knick Man Introduction to Tag Team Hell! To: (The scene opens live inside of "Ballys Hotel and Casino" located in Los Vegas, California, the location of the lottery show of Tag Team Hell 98! The camera slowly pans around the casino portion as we see a variety of people partaking in the gambling experience. We get a shot at the blackjack tables, where a large white man sits behind the counter dealing the cards, a shreud look upon his countanance. The camera pans over to the poker tables where we see four men, dressed all in cowboy accessories, each staring intently at their cards. We then move over to the "Wheel of Fortune" where we see a group of people cheering loudly as the large wheel spins around and around. We finally pan over to the slot machine area. The camera pans over allowing us to watch as many people pump coins into various machines, hoping, praying, beleving that they will be a "winner" The camera finally stops on a tall, African-American man, dressed in a black three piece suit, as well as a pair of black shades. We watch as the man looks at an elderly lady put yet another coin into the slot machine. The lady pulls the handle and watches as the machine spins, but alas, she has failed in her quest for victory. The man simply shakes his head as the woman walks off in disappointment. He takes his shades off as many of us recognize him as the world class basketball player turned wrestler, The Knick Man! The Knick Man walks over to the same slot machine and pulls out a coin. He puts the coin in the machine and pulls the handle. After watching the machine for a few moments, we suddenly hear a loud ringing sound as the machine lights up brightly! The Knick Man has hit the jackpot! Large amounts of coins flow freely like a rapid river as The Knick Man attempts to contain the winnings with a basket nearby. The old lady that was originally at the slot machine looks on in shock as she watches the Knick Man collect her fortune. As the weight of the coins begins to overcome this athlete, The Knick Man places the basket on the ground and allows the coins to continue to pour. He then turns around towards the camera, takes off the shades and smiles at the camera.) Knick Man: Looks like I hit the jackpot! (The Knick Man watches in amazement as the coins continue to flow.) Old lady: Hey sonny! That was MY money! I spent 100 dollars on that there machine! (The Knick Man looks at the old lady with disdane) Knick Man: Sorry grandma! You just weren't GOOD ENOUGH to win the cash! For those of you who don't know me, I'm The Knick Man! And unlike that old lady here, I am a WINNER! That's what I do best ladies and gentlemen. I WIN! When I was a professional basketball player... (holds out his hands to reveal his NBA Championship Rings) Knick Man: I won! (smiles) Knick Man: In the various wrestling federations that I have wrestled in, I won! And guess what I'm going to do at Tag Team Hell 98? (The Knick Man smiles arrogantly as he pauses to allow the viewers to think of what the answer might be.) Knick Man: That's right! I'm going to win! Now you (points at the old lady threatening) need to get the hell out of my face! My victorious aura is being ruined by your unlucky presense! Heaven has no place for LOSERS like you! And The Knick Man has no tolerence for people who are BELOW his superior standards! Now get outta my face and stop trying to cash in on my glory, you no good golddigging TRAMP! (The Knick Man shoves the woman off the camera and continues) Knick Man: Now you might ask, "what possesses this man to come out on television going up against some of the best athletes in our industry today to think he's going to walk in this event and take it all?" It's real simple! I am something the 19 other men participating in this event arent.... I AM A WINNER!!!!! (The Knick Man continues to look at the coins continuing the flow from the machine.) Knick Man: You see how EASY it was for me to hit the jackpot tonight? That's how EASY it will be for me to be proclaimed the Tag Team Hell 98 Champion! Now I look at the lineup for this event. I see a few "big names!" I see a few "medium sized names!" And I also see a few guys who I wonder what drug they were using when they came up with their names! But regardless of what category each individual in this event falls under, the bottom line is that when it's all said and done, you're going to have 19 disappointed individuals when I raise that trophy high above the air and each of you realize that I am the single greatest superstar in the industry today! (The coins finally stop falling as the camera shows the bucket overflowing with coins. Some of the coins have fell around the bucket as the camera moves back to the cocky and arrogant Knick Man.) Knick Man: Another thing you might ask.... "Hey Knick Man? Even if you are as great as you say you are, what are you going to do if you are forced to team up with a utter and complete LOSER?" Well then that loser will get his moment in the spotlight as the superstardom that is The Knick Man shines throughout the ring, permenating and overwhelming the unfortunate individuals that are forced to compete against me! You see.... True greatness can overcome all odds and obstacles. The Knick Man is true greatness! You can team me up with a damn PILLOW for gods sake and I'll STILL come out victorious! Why? Because..... I am a WINNER!!!! I am the Greatest Basketball Player, The Greatest Wrestler, and The Greatest Man on the face of the earth! And come Friday October 9th, when it's all said and done, you can call me.... The Tag Team Hell 98 champion! And most importantly, THE WINNER!!! See ya there boys! And I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you! (The Knick Man bends down and picks up the heavy bucket overflowing with coins. He begins to walk away as the scene fades to black) === Roosevelt Cooper Handler of The Knick Man [WWO, NWC:SCCW, HHWO] (updated weekly) The subject of the affections of "Erotic" Erin McCoys!!!! Illegal Tactics [WWO] Madd Ganja [OWF] _________________________________________________________ DO YOU YAHOO!? Get your free address at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ prev next Back to roleplays ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Image] RocketMail - © 1997 Four11 Corporation - All Rights [Image] Reserved