(The scene opens with the image of the WWO Television Championship. We hear the sounds of "Wind Beneath My Wings, by Bette Midler playing softly in the background, as we gaze upon the beautifully carved, championship belt, embetted in pure gold, gleaming and shining brightly in the background. We then hear the voice of the #1 contender to this prestegious belt, The One and Only Knick Man begin to speak.) VO (Knick Man): The WWO Television Championship. The most prestegious belt in our league today. Why? Because it is the only belt that is defended on a regular basis against QUALITY competition. Troy Majors? (laughs) Who was his last "great" opponent? Scorpion? Brian Bradley? I can't even remember the last time he defended his belt! The holders of the other two titles have made their belts meaningless due to their pathetic skills and abilities! So now, the TV champion is the man that sets the standard in the WWO! (The scene switches to images of various former WWO Television Champions in action. We see Mario Manzano executing a dropkick off the top ropes. This image switches to James Pillow executing the "Simply The Best Plex" on an opponent. This switches to Iron Man brawling with his good friend, The Beast.) VO (Knick Man): Three men have held this title before our current champion Double Down. Three warriors! Three competitiors! Three athletes who did what they had to do, to earn the honor and the privilage to be called..... A champion! (Scene shows Mario Manzano being awarded the WWO Television Title after winning a battle royal. A second scene shows James Pillow holding the title up in the air after defeating Mario Manzano. This scene is then replaced by the image of Iron Man standing proud and victorious after defeating Pillow for the title.) VO (Knick Man): First there was Mario Manzano. A member of Kingpin's Bella Mafia, he was the man that first brought this infamous stable notority and respect. For while the other members of the Mafia failed in their quest to achieve championship gold in the name of the Kingpin, Mario was the man that got the job done. He went up against some of the toughest athletes the WWO had to offer in a battle royal to determine the first TV Champion. And he was successful! (A scene shows Mario Manzano in the back doing an interview with Amanda Wells, the WWO Television Championship across his shoulder.) VO (Knick Man): Then there was James "Simply The Best" Pillow! This man was rated as one of the top 200 wrestlers in the entire world last year. He is a man with international fame, and has held numerous titles in numerous federations. By beating Mario Manzano James became the second man to hold the WWO Television Championship. He too was successful! (The scene of Mario Manzano is replaced with the image of James Pillow executing the "Simply The Best" Plex on Manzano. Pillow is shown pinning Manzano, and winning the WWO Television Championship) VO (Knick Man): Finally, there's Iron Man! A man who is known as the world's Toughest Man. Iron Man lived up to his name, showing the strength and the ability necessary to dethrone Pillow and send him running away from the WWO. He too experienced the glory of being the Television Championship! (The scene of Pillow is replaced with the image of Iron Man lifting the WWO Televison Title in the air, while James Pillow lays unconscious, the victim of the power of Iron Man. The scene then widens to the image of The Knick Man standing next to the picture of Iron Man. He is wearing a Nike tee shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black and red Nike's on his feet. The Knick Man looks at the image, and continues to speak.) Knick Man: And you know what trait all three of these men have in common? (The image of Iron Man is replaced with three images all side by side. The first image shows Mario Manzano upset after losing the title. The second image shows James Pillow knocked out after being defeated by Iron Man. The final image shows an angry glare on the face of Iron Man after droping the TV title to Double Down.) Knick Man: THEY'RE ALL LOSERS!!!!!!! (The Knick Man laughs loudly as "Wind Beneath My Wings" is replaced by "Go NY Go NY Go" in the background.) Knick Man: Each and every one of these NO TALENTED SCRUBS are all FORMER WWO Television Champions! Why? Because they didn't have the SKILLS to hold on to the title! As a matter of fact, NONE of these pitiful excuse for WRESTLERS even had what it takes to hold on to the title FOR A MONTH! These men have DISGRACED the glory of the WWO Television Title because of their lack of skills! And Double Down.... YOU'RE JUST LIKE THEM! (The Knick Man smiles cockily, then continues) Knick Man: You think you can be the exception? You think you got what it takes to overcome this CURSE of the previous WWO Television Champions? You think you can hold on to this belt for any long period of time? I DON'T THINK SO! Why? Because you're scheduled to take on the greatest professional wrestler of all time this Sunday Night at Title Wave! And at Title Wave, YOU Double Down will "wave" GOOD-BYE to YOUR "title" when I beat you 1-2-3 and crown myself the new WWO Television Champion! (The Knick Man turns the screen off and looks at the camera.) Knick Man: You're gonna come at me 100%? I wouldn't have it any other way! Because it makes the "thrill" of victory all the more "thrilling" when I know that my opponent tired his absolute BEST to beat me and STILL FAILED! Double Down, each and every one of these men are FAILURES! You, Double Down, are a FAILURE! You think that just because the fans cheer your name now, that you now have the skills to overcome your FAILING WAYS? (laughs) They don't give a damn about you! And after I BEAT you, they will abandon you! Why? Because they will realize that your title reign was nothing more than a FLUKE, and they will then turn to a REAL WARRIOR! A REAL COMPETITIOR! A REAL ATHLETE to be their HERO and ROLEMODEL! Do you know who that man is Double Down? (smiles) I'll give ya a hint..... He's "The Greatest Basketball Player....... The Greatest Wrestler......... And The Greatest Man on the face of the earth! You know the name Double D! Your hero! Your DADDY! And your NEW WWO Television Champion....... The One....... The Only.......... (smiles that classic, arrogant Knick Man Championship Smile) Knick Man: THE KNICK MAN!!!!!! (The Knick Man stands confidently as the camera gets a final glimpse of his greatness. He makes a "belt" motion by his waist as the scene fades to black.)