(The scene opens inside of Madison Square Garden, the world's most famous arena, located on 33rd street, between 7th and 8th avenues, New York City. A shot of NBA Championship Banners, 10 of them to be exact is shown hanging from the rafters, from 1986-1996, all belonging to the New York Knickerbockers. The scene continues to widen, showing the thousands of empty seats inside of the arena, then the angle turns to reveal the beautiful basketball court on which the legendary New York Knicks play. Standing on the court is one man, a tall, black man with a bald head. His body is clothed with a Knicks Jersey sporting the familiar number 45. As the camera closes in we then recognize this individual as John Williams, the starting point guard of the 10 time NBA Champion New York Knicks. Wrestling fans will also recognize this man as The Knick Man, one of the fastest rising rookies in the sport of professional wrestling. The Knick Man is shown simply bouncing a basketball up and down continuously as the camera continues to come closer and closer. Finally, the man known as The Knick Man looks up at the camera and smiles.) Knick Man: (pointing towards the ceiling) Madison Square Garden. The Mecca of Basketball. Competeting against the greatest basketball players alive. Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, the masters on the basketball court. But you see, there is one thing that seperates GREAT players like those mention above, and THE GREATEST player like the man you see standing before you right now... (The Knick Man drops the basketball and holds out his two hands revealing his ten NBA Championship rings.) Knick Man: WINNING! That's all that I was concerned with when I was in the NBA. Winning the game! I didn't care how we did it. As long as we won! Sprite says image is nothing and thirst is everything! Well I say WINNING IS EVERYTHING!!!! Winning is everything!!!! And it is the only thing! It's like a drug to me! It's all I know how to do! It's all I'm qualified to do! Damn, I'm nothing more than a WINNER! (The Knick Man picks up the basketball and dribbles over to the three point line. He stops, pulls up for the jump shot and knocks it down confidently, nothing but net.) Knick Man: What does a man do when he is the greatest professional athlete alive? What does a man do when he dominates the sport of basketball like no other man before him? What does a man do when he has accomplished everything he can acomplish in a single sport? He FINDS SOMETHING ELSE TO DOMINATE!!! (The camera fades out, then fades back in to the same image of Madison Square Garden. Only this time, instead of a basketball court, we see a wrestling ring set up. Standing in the middle of the wrestling ring is The one and only Knick Man. He is dressed in his wrestling attire, which consist of a blue and orange "Knick Man" jersey and a pair of blue wrestling tights. The camera closes in on The Knick Man as he speaks.) Knick Man: So I retired from the sport of basketball and decided to enter the sport of wrestling instead. One problem though. I DOMINATE THAT TOO! In the sport of professional wrestling for only a year now and I have already acomplished more than men who have been doing this TEN TIMES as long as me! Damn, it's HARD WORK being as GREAT as I am! (The Knick Man pauses to reflect on how great he is, then continues) Knick Man: Which brings me to the INWI! InterNet Wrestling Incorporated! This league has housed the names of some of the greatest wrestlers ever to put on the tights! You got your Lone Wolves, your Ringmasters, your Kings, your Infernos! You got men who proclaim to be perfect! Men who proclaim to be superstars! Men who proclaim to be legends and men who proclaim to be icons! Men who are "Simply The Best" and men who outshine all of the rest! But what do you get when you take all of these redeeming qualities and add them together? What do you get when you take a man, savage like a wolf, a master of the wrestling ring, a king, a walking inferno? A man that is a legend, a man that is an icon? A man that is Simply The Best and a man that outshines all the rest? You know what you get my friends? You get...... THE KNICK MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! Knick Man: But don't take my word for it! Ask the countless and countless men who have fallen before my feet, in awe of my awesome talents and remarkable abilites! Men who have surrendered and men who were overwhelmed and their shoulders pinned to the mat because they couldn't counter the uncounterable. They couldn't kill the immortal! They couldn't stop the unstoppable! In short, they couldn't stop The Knick Man from being what he is..... A WINNER! INWI, you will find out soon enough that I am exactly what I say I am and much, much more! I will revolutionize this sport and this industry and I will use YOU INWI superstars to do it! I am The Greatest Basketball Player, The Greatest Wrestler, and The Greatest Man on the Face of The Earth! The Knick Man is raising a NEW standard in YOUR federation! Can you measure up? (Laughs and shakes his head) Knick Man: I don't think so! (The camera gets one final shot at The Knick Man as the scene fades to black)