This girl can rock!

Jagged Little Pill is one of the greatest albums of all time. And we all know "Uninvited" from the City of Angels soundtrack is simply incredible. I received her latest CD, "Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie" for Christmas and it didn't dissapoint me at all. I do think she could have left 4 or 5 tunes off and had another masterpiece, but theres enough great songs on the CD to make it a "must have". "Thank You", "One" and "UR" are instant radio classics. Her voice, incredible songwriting and ground breaking videos make her the most exciting figure in rock today.

Check out more Alanis at these sites

Music Boulevard
Simply type her name in the search box and find a listing of her releases, including rare imports. Also includes real audio sound bytes.
Music Boulevards Alanis links
Read about the new queen of rock. Concert schedule also available.

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