??   WHO   AM   I   ??

Okay, just incase you've been wondering, "who d'you think you are", I 'm going to tell ya.

My name is Farrah. I'm a 14 year old spice fan from Texas.

As far as other music goes, you might be surprised that I'm so big on the Spice Girls. Some of my favorite bands include Bush [Gavin...call me!!] 311, Tool, Prodigy, Matchbox 20, Chemical Brothers, Garbage, Alice in Chains, Dave Mathews Band, Alanis Morissette, and No Doubt.

I like Sci-Fi / Drama movies and TV shows, like P.O.5, X-files, Titanic and Scream.

I love Soccer. [Football...to the rest of the world ; ' ] I especially like LFC and Aston Villa. [but LFC is the bomb!] I also like Real Madrid, Inter Milan, and the Dallas Burn.

I have a red belt in Korean martial arts and a brown belt in Kung Fu.

Well, thats all I can say, so....now that you know me a little better, C-ya!

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