Appearance and Biology: Alterians look exactly like humans except for their elongated ears. Their ears allow them better hearing than any known species. Also, they can hear and speak telepathic messages over vast distances, but only to other Alterians.
History and Culture: Alterians are a very religious species. They have a very strict code of honor. They consider the Q Continuum to be their 'gods', considering that a millennium ago the Q Continuum saved the Alterians from the plague brought by an unknown visitor from another galaxy.
Politics: Everything is run by the Prime Minister. He is considered the next thing to a 'god'.
Technology Level: Alterians have a developed Transwarp drive. They have also built up a considerable fleet, but is mostly used for defense, since the Alterians are a peaceful species.
In the Delta Quadrant: Their one world has considerable trading with many other cultures. They are known for their hospitality and kindness. Alterians have very few enemies.