The Maxim
Appearance and Biology:
Prior to transformation:
Very tall (most of them being over eight feet tall) blue-skinned humanoids. Completely hairless, they wear long white robes and are virtually undistinguishable one from the other. The only way to differenciate them is by the medallions worn around their necks which bear a different symbol for each Maxim.
After tranformation:
The head ressembles an octopus, with white eyes (no pupils are evident) and many small tentacles around a round, many toothes orifice which acts like a mouth. Their skin is purplish and slimy.
History and Culture:
Little is known of the Maxims origins or their culture. They were thought to be fanatical healers, ready to force treatment upon those who refused it, wether they needed it or not. However, it was all revealed as a front. In fact, they were the spawns of Chtulhu, an evil god-like creature from another dimension who were genetically altering their 'patients' to build armies for an obscure goal.
The Maxim are exceedingly strong telepaths and are in constant contact with all the rest of their kin. In fact, all that was known of their society seemed to be based on these formidable telepathic powers who were either stored in, or
amplified by, the medallions they each wore around their necks.
The Maxim's telepathic 'collective' was presided over by a First Healer, who later was revealed himself as being Chulthu himself in disguise.
Technology Level:
The Maxim's technology was centuries ahead of the Federation's, especially in the field of medicine, telepathy and virtual reality.
In the Delta Quadrant:
The Maxim healing skills were the stuff of legend and were thought to be able to heal anything. However, as their space station was invisible to all scanner technology, very few have had contact with them and returned.