Appearance and Biology: The Borg implant themselves with cybernetic devices, giving them great technological and combat capabilities. Different Borg are equipped with different hardware for a specific task. Each Borg is tied into a sophisticated subspace communications network, forming the Borg Collective, in which the idea of the individual is a meaningless concept.
History and Culture: Very little is known about the history of the Borg. They have been around for thousands of generations. They have no culture except to assimilate the strongest species. Their goal is raise all life to the perfection that is Borg.
Politics: The political structure of the of the Borg Collective is a meaningless concept. There is one Queen and the rest are drones.
Technology Level: The Borg have been assimilating technology since their existence. They are more technologically advanced than most species.
In the Delta Quadrant: The Borg are feared in the Delta Quadrant, along with the rest of the galaxy.