Indy Clix

Wimbley's World


one of the best superheros ever hee hee B^)
he was made from a Riddler and white stuff

Shadow Hawk

Spawn from Soul Calibur II

The Phantom

Now here are my first person shootem up games clix this is Duke Nukem and Serious Sam they wer from S.H.I.L.D. agents and their heads wer from Blades

Now this is M. Bison also from the Street Fighter games he was made from a Gothom police body and head  a Steal cape with the S shaved off and Ultrons arms.

was made from a Human Tourch body with Firelords arms

Ult Wolvie's legs, mage knight upper body, Wild Child's head, and Wolvie's claws




was made from a Beast and green stuff


was made from a Hulk and green stuff

My WIP pics of Ryu and Sagat