
Imperial Hentai began in Tokyo Chat in Geocities. It started out as an idea to play around with but then it became something bigger. Lord Hentai began on his own until he met Geoff Ochten who later became his guard for his harem and whatnot. Then,after what was called the Geo Crash LH moved tp WBS. He didn't think of bringing the Empire here until after several months of observation. He watched the other clans build up and fight for power in the then-small room of Anime. He began recruiting after seeing that there were a few varied people who liked hentai in that way. Soon,Geoff left Geo and joined up with LH. He became the captain of the Imperial Stormtroopers. A part of the Empire not as popular but it's there. After while more people from Geo started coming in and joining the Empire.

I came into the Empire months later. I would watch LH to see what kind of leader he was. Was he fair? Did he think he was better than us? And what made him create an Empire for hentai lovers? After weeks of observation,I spoke to him. He asked me what I had to prove to him that I was truly hentai. Lucky for me I had a lemon fic on hand for him to read and judge for himself. According to him it blew his mind! He was astounded at how well I wrote and captured hentai as an artform. Almost immediately I was promoted to Lady of the Court and many other titles. The rest,as they say,is history....

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