I am Mystra, Goddess of Magic, and Lady of Mysteries. I am the Guardian of the Magic Weave of Faerun. In my realm, the Art is prevelant, and the Craft (science) is weak. Sign my Tome traveler, so that i may know ye. Travel the portals, and learn.......

Or if you need, you may contact me via the "Web" of knowledge that surrounds your world, by clicking on the little link.

Portals to Other Realms

My magic tome(guestbook): write in here about what you see
The Vale: fantasy, art, and more.....
The Psyko Lounge: A world created bye someone who could probably qualify as a psyko, a good realm, and a creator with a good heart
The Powers of Faerun: This is a listing of the gods and goddesses of faerun. However it is under heavy construction at this time.
Ryuuko's Bayside House: Anime fan art, fan fiction, and some really cool pics, and backgrounds
Dragonlords of Dumnonia:A wonderful, large world written bye a wonderful lady. Navigate her site, and find wonderful stories, and pictures.

Welcome weary travelers, you are guest number to my abode, please, make yourself comfortable.