
The Dragon's Prayer

The dragon is wise beyond

it's years

It sets no limits and

faces all fears

The dragon is powerful

in body and mind

Is true to it's heart

and true to it's kind

The dragon is just and

fights for whats right

To all who encounter it,

their lives are made bright

The traits of the dragon

we should all embrace

And together we'll make

the world a better place.

~Jonathan Butts~

Meet Draco_755

Draco is my sweety. We live together

in central Ohio. We have known each

other many many years. We just recently

had gotten our lives together after many

years of separation. He is my bestfriend

and confidant.
Draco is 35, born in Delaware, Ohio on

June 7th....(Oh no! That means he's a

Gemini! Duel personalities!!) Not to worry

though...I am too, so the "4" of us get

along extremely well!! LOL He is a very

loving and an extremely patient man. He

loves gadgets of all kinds...hahaha. He

works in Hotel Management in

Columbus, Ohio.

Draco has many interests. He has started

an interest in the Renaissance Era...

(I couldn't have had anything to do with


LOL He has an interest in swords...

(we've just started a collection) Dragons

are his passion, if you couldn't tell by

the nic, and the tattoo on his arm :)).

The story of our life dealing with each other in the past can be read here, in the Garden.

Zena and Draco

It's a fairy tale...yes...but

never the less...it's true. The

original tale is the whole story

...and the adventure of the Young

Zena is a tale of just one of the


Venture into Draco's Lair

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