A Bit About Shina!

Merry meet! I'm Shina. This

a page to let you know a little

about me. The following pages

contain enough information to

let you know what my interests

are, and just who I really am.

But as for the particulars....

I live in a tiny, tiny town in

Ohio. It's so small, that there

are no traffic lights, the kids

hang out at local grocer's.

I live here with my husband,

Draco_755, and my 10 year old

son. We have a Lab named Haley

who thinks she's human, a cat

Zoey which we adopted, and 8

white doves...

(Does anyone

want a dove?!

We have plenty,

I guess Pearl and Moonstone have

nothing else to do)

The newest additions to our

family, are two ferrets, Riki

and Mr. Wiggles. Oh my! They

are hard to keep up with! Ha ha

We are both June Geminis...

Whew!!! THAT can be interesting!

LOL...No one stands a chance

against us! LOL

My (Our) interests include, but

not limited too....

~The Renaissance Era~

~Sword Collecting~

~Medieval Costumes~

(Which I make)



~Raising Doves~

(I guess LOL)

~Chasing Ferrets~

Draco and I both work in the

hospitality business with Prime

Hospitality in Columbus, Ohio.

I guess that's it, in a

nutshell. So with all that

said...I hope you enjoy the

rest of this site.

[ On Towards The Castle ]

[ Show Me The Way ]