Missy's Unicorn Gallery
Descripton of the Mighty Unicorn
Unicorns are powerful steeds with their coats being of pure white hair. They also have long silky hair that flows from
their mane, and also from near their hoofs. Their eyes are normally a deep blue or pink. Their horns usually grows to
be 2-3 feet in length and has an ivory white hue. Males can be distinquished by a white beard under their chin.
Unicorns are very evasive creatures...able to sence enemies that would harm them, or the forest they protect. They
have immunity to death by normal means, and they have a resistance to poisons, but captured by human hands usually
break their spirits, and they easily die...To avoid this, a unicorn has a special power to teleport itself to a safe
place... usually 1-5 miles depending on its age and experience. They are able to do this up to 3 times a
They let travelers pass through their guarded lands as long as they aren't killing the animals for sport or money, and
as long as no evil is done to the forest. By violating either of these two conditions, brings down the immediate wrath
of the unicorn upon the offenders. The fiercness of the attack is determined by the evil released in the forest. Sometimes it is
by chasing the offender away, and then other times...killing.
A lone unicorn occasionally allows itself to be tamed and ridden by a human or fairy of pure heart and good morals and personality. A unicorn that submits in this way and that is treated kindly will be loyal for the rest of
her life, even unto death if need be.
Origin of the Mighty Unicorn
Part of the origins of the European unicorn, just like the ones of many other mystical creatures, lies in the
Greek mythology. The Greek god Zeus was nursed by the she-goat Amalthea (which was later on
transformed into the star "Capella" (Latin: "goat") because of the gratitude of the god). In one version, the
god broke off one of her horns, which spilled forth an unlimited amount of food. In later times this horn
became known as the "horn of plenty", which you can find on thousands of baroque and classic paintings
and ornaments. Even Uncle Scrooge is searching for it in one of Disney's comic episodes, although it then
"presents" not fruits but gold coins.
However, as the unicorn is "known" to mankind for serveral
milleniums another explanation of the origins of this creature is
more than likely. As it is widely known the human race hadn't
lived in nice comfortable houses for ever. Once it moved in clans
and hunted wild animals for food. At this time the domestication
of wild cattle was a incredibly important step for the first settlers
for they didn't need to move with the wild herds anymore to gain
meat. Due to the importance of these wild ox for the people at that
time, traces of several "ox cults" can be found in the history of
Babylon, Burma, Egypt or Israel for example. Just remember the
story of the golden calf in the Bible.
But that is not the only quotation in this book. In the book of Hiob
a creture called Re-em was mentioned, a name that was later
translated into monoceros or unicornis, then to unicorn. Well,
there it was doubted whether you can make the Re-em stay and
work with all its strenght and fury for you. Nowadays this might sound silly... but already for the people a
few centuries later the cow was no more than a normal animal, a property. For them "Re-em" couldn't
just be an ordinary cow, nor could that be that creature that could be seen gloryfied on the Ishtar Gate of
Babylon. Therefore still facing these old oriental legends the Greeks and Romans started to believe that
there had to be another mighty and fabelous creature (which made Re-em to monoceros in the Bible,
too). For who would adore a cow?
And there was one other thing. Have you ever
seen Egyptian paintings? Remember how the
heads where shown without any "3rd. dimension"?
Well, just like that some
of the animals where painted "horn on horn". As well as in the
ancient Corinth whoever looked on these paintings
that were on walls or vases for example could see
but one horn. As this way of painting vanished for
the later peoples THAT became the unicorn.
Therefore, it is easy to explain why the early form
of the European unicorn looked almost like a goat and often was described having the same size.
One of the first reports of the existence of the unicorn in Europe is read by almost every Latin student in
school. The later emperor of the Roman empire Gaius Iulius Cesar mentioned it in the "Bellum Gallicum"
50 B.C. :"It looks like a deer with a single horn on the middle of its fore-head right between its ears. This
horn is longer and straighter than any horn we know of..."
In medieval times, the magical power of the horn was still
believed in. A powder made from this horn was supposed to
neutralize any kind of poison and the horn itself was said to
bleed when poisoned food was brought near it. As a
consequence of this, in these "glorious days" of assasins and
intrigants the horn of a unicorn was highly desired by noble
men and rulers and in the 15th century 40.000 gold pieces
were offered for one (The actual horn, that was offered,
often was the horn of the narwhale (lat.: monodom
monoceros), which is also called "unicorn of the sea". The
male narwhale has one twisted tusk on his "nose", that looks
like a horn and which can be 1.5-5 (!) meters long.). The
healing power its horn was supposed to have, made the
unicorn a symbol of medicine. Even today you may find
quite a lot old medicine stores with the picture or the name of
the unicorn.
In fact, for the people who lived in medieval
times, the existence of the unicorn was just as
certain as the stories of the Bible. Everbody
believed in it. Some even asked where this
mysterious creature might have been as Noah
built his arch, as it wasn't mentioned in the
Bible among the animals that finally were said
to be on it. Well, you CAN see the unicorn
there on some old pictures, but some said,
that the unicorn, as it is the guardian of the
Tree Of Life, just wasn't allowed to leave its
place then.
The unicorn stood for many things: most often virtues like purity and honesty ...
lateron in Christanity virginity as a symbol of the Christian Virgin Mary. It was
said, that the unicorn could only be captured by a virgin... before it could be killed
to get its precious horn. Unicorns were so proud, that no one was ever able to hold
them captive alive, so weavers "captured" these creatures in huge an expensive
carpets for the rich to hang it on their walls. But the unicorn was a sacred symbol
even before Christianity. As a symbol of the moon it also belonged to the Greek
Artemis, (virgin) goddess of the moon and the hunt (the later Roman Diana).
The counterpart of the unicorn was the lion not only on various crests. Both were
seen as the kings of the animals and once the sounds of their clashes echoed in the
woods. HOW the lion came to Europe to be heard in the woods appears to be
another mystery. Some time later as the unicorn represented the spring and the lion stood for the summer,
the end of their clashes was said to influence the seasons of the year.