DIRK & SOPHIE @ 1981
This homepage is dedicated to Dirk, my second son, a young man who is working hard to reach his goals, in his own unique, individualistic manner. As a little boy, he was a joy, comical, smart, always doing something unexpected.
For instance, this is a picture of him at my cousin's wedding. As he was carrying the ring down the aisle, he spotted his dad sitting along the way and instead of walking down the aisle as he had practiced, he began grinning, kind of hunched his shoulders and began shaking the ring pillow at his dad as if he wanted him to come and wrestle...everyone cracked up...
This picture is of him , Lance who is his older brother, and me. You will notice the "binky" around his neck. We were finally able to get rid of it by his grandma telling him the horse ate it!
He is now a 24 year old young man who works 2 jobs, goes to college, has a beautiful young woman in his life, and is on his way to a wonderful life. He was an A student in high school.
Dirk's High School Graduation Picture 1993
Upon graduating,he didn't go straight to college...instead he saved his money and went to a professional wrestling academy, first in Minneapolis, then Lima, Ohio, where he lived and trained with Al Snow and D Lo Brown who are both now big names in the WWF, both currently holding belts, I believe. That was his dream for so many years, and he worked on it and has gotten to wrestle in several cities as DIRK XTREME.
Dirk & D Lo in a match in Ashland, Ky.
But that doesn't pay the bills, so he also works in construction in the family business.
He also took a job at a local radio station where he became quite a local celebrity. Now instead of radio he is working at our local tv station.
About 3 years ago, he decided it was time to further his education. So he began taking classes at an Ohio University branch, where he continues earning A's.
He recently flew out to Phoenix, Az. for the opening of Alice Cooper's new restaurant. Cooper is his favorite performer, and he enjoyed meeting him so much.
Dirk is different from anyone else I have ever known. He is a little eccentric, sometimes on the cutting edge if compared to some others. He chooses heavy metal over pop, long hair over short, exclusivity over everything. He loves horror movies, Stephen King works, the Highlander series,X-Files Alice Cooper,Iggy Pop, KISS, wrestling...and his family, never forgetting to hug his grandpa hello and goodbye.
Dirk & his Grandpa after a wrestling match
He is very sure of himself,intelligent,truly loyal, and he has a wonderful sense of humor. He also has a good heart and a soft spot for animals which I think is a sure sign of a good person.
Dirk and his pony Peanut circa 1985
8th Grade
One of his teachers once told me that he was one of the most individualistic people she had ever met. He has never cared what the "crowd" was doing. He only pursues what interests him, what he feels is right. He knows who and what he likes.
11th Grade
Dirk & Stacey, his fiancee
During the teenaged years,when so many parents have to deal with alcohol, drug and other abuse problems we had no worries. He was simply not interested. He never has nor do I ever expect him to be "middle of the road".
His first new car
I truly expect him to do whatever he puts his mind to in the future because he is intelligent, persistent, and very much his own person.
Dirk & Stacey
One of my reasons for making these pages is so he will know just how proud of him I am and how much I wish him success in everything he pursues. He has always given his dad and me so much pleasure, and fun, and we have so much pride in the adult he has become. Dirk we love you, and want your life to be filled with love, happiness and success. We are with you all the way, to lend a hand, a hug, and to support you in all you choose to do. Mom and Dad
This picture was taken in January '99 on his 24th birthday.