Adoption Contract
Date: ________________
Dog’s Name (if known): ________________________________________
Sex: __________________
Color/Markings: _____________________________________________ Adoption
Date: _________
DHLP_______Parvo:_______Rabies: _______Checked for
Parasites:_______Heartworm Checked______
Next Vaccine Dates:
DHLP_______Parvo: _______Rabies________Check for Parasites:
_________Check for Heartworm____
The following terms and conditions constitute a contract for the
adoption of the dog described above (hereafter referred to as "Yorkshire Terrier"
or "dog" regardless of age or sex) between Yorkie Mannor and
_____________________________. These terms and conditions are entered into and agreed upon
by both Yorkie Mannor and the adopter and they acknowledge the moral and legal worth of this
I (we), the undersigned agree to all of the following terms of this
contract and understand that non-compliance with the terms of this agreement gives
Yorkie Mannor representatives the right to reclaim this Yorkshire Terrier without refund of
adoption fee.
Please Initial if in agreement:
_____ 1. If for any reason you are unable to keep this Yorkshier Terrier,
you will notify Yorkie Mannor representative, which will work with you in finding an
appropriate home for this Yorkshire Terrier. Appropriate homes to be determined by the
Yorkie Mannor representative.
_____ 2. To notify a Yorkie Mannor representative immediately if this
Yorkshier Terrier is lost, or stolen and to make every effort to locate the dog.
_____ 3. To NEVER take this Yorkshire Terrier to an animal shelter,
pound or humane society.
_____ 4. To NEVER allow this Yorkshire Terrier to be used in animal
_____ 5. To treat this Yorkshire Terrier as a family pet, with affection,
kindness and not subject this Yorkshire Terrier to abuse or cruelty at any time.
_____ 6. To provide regular veterinary care, including annual
vaccinations, parasite checks and dental care as determined by your veterinarian.
_____ 7. To provide proper food, shelter, fresh water, adequate
companionship at all times and to keep this dog on leash when dog is not on adopter’s
property. Proper shelter means this Yorkshire
Terrier is to be an indoor dog, not to be left outside for long periods.
Under no circumstances is this Yorkshire Terrier to be a "yard dog".
_____ 8. To not transport this Yorkshire Terrier in an open vehicle or in
any way endanger the dog in transportation.
_____ 9. To immediately license, and place identification on the dog.
Identification can be either tags with collar, tattoo on inner thigh, or microchip by a
_____ 10. To notify the Yorkie Mannor representative if I move and give the
new address and phone number.
_____ 11. Under no circumstance, sell the adopted Yorkshire Terrier to pet
dealers, pet stores, puppy mills, or benefit financially from this dog.
_____ 12. To not kennel this Yorkshire Terrier , except to provide for
safety (i.e. when you are absent from the home and he/she is alone), transporting, or to
sleep at night.
_____ 13. The above Yorkshire Terrier will not be euthanized in a
non-emergency situation without notifying a representative by registered letter and giving
14 days to respond.
_____ 14. The adopter agrees to allow a Yorkie Mannor representative to
periodically check on this Yorkshire Terrier to be assured of compliance with items #1
through #15.
_____ 15. Other:
Any breach of this contract in part or whole requires that the
adopter return the Yorkshire Terrier to the yorkie mannor Representative at the adopter’s
expense without entitlement of any refund or damages of any kind.
ANY and ALL suits for the breach of or enforcement of this contract
will be brought in (County)_______________________________ in the State of
____________________, and the laws of (State) ________________ will apply.
If the Adopter fails to meet ANY of the articles listed under
"Adopter Agreement", a Yorkie Mannor representative reserves the right to repossess
the Yorkshire Terrier and any papers that pertain to the Yorkshire Terrier . No compensation
will be due adopter at the time of the repossession. Violation of ANY provisions of this
contract will constitute damage to the reputation of Yorkie Mannor, and the Adopter agrees to
relinquish ownership of the Yorkshire Terrier plus absorb the cost of any related court
costs & shipping.
The undersigned adopter has been advised of these facts and agrees to
accept all responsibility for the behavior of the Yorkshire Terrier chosen for adoption, and
agrees to all conditions of this contract.
In consideration Yorkie Mannor allowing me/us to adopt this Yorkshire Terrier
as our pet, I/we promise and agree to be solely responsible for this animal and to
indemnify and hold harmless Yorkie Mannor, Representatives, and Volunteers, of Yorkie Mannor,
from any and all claims of liability for the conduct of this Yorkshire Terrier on or after
the date of this adoption and agreement of contract.
This Contract is binding and enforceable by Civil Law.
SIGNATURE: _____________________ PRINT NAME: ____________
Street Address: __________________________ City:
State: _______ Zip: _______________________ Phone:
Yorkie Mannor Info
Telephone Contact: _________________________________________
E-mail: ____________________________________________________
FAX: ______________________________________________________